Part- VII

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In this city of countless people, no one will bother if a girl of a forbidden alley will not returns home in the morning !
Neither any police will come nor any newspaper will print this news.
Everyone will forget her in an instant and will get busy in their own lives. But in my memory only she will be remain all over.
- And in my imagination ?
- She is my wife.

RAMCHANDRA will be a little surprised in the morning, but he also loved someone once. And Ramchandra knows that I like to spend my holiday evenings sitting alone in my garden.
I hope he will understand, he will surely gather a SHOVEL.

Every sunday we will be at peace together atleast for a while :
We will remain far away from the noise of this city as well as from evil eye of the people.
There will be no physical responsibilities,
only LOVE will survive FOREVER !



Thankyou so much for reading till the end.
I enjoyed writing them and I hope you will like it too .

At the end of the story I expect your point of view too.

Those humanbeing who lives in dark alley have to go long way .
JAMINI got a relief in one way .
May other Jamini's get relief according to their wish...

Don't forget to

Hello guys. ...
I am going to start a new story      "IN SEARCH OF PEACE"    soon..
see you ..

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