Part- V

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Jamini pulled me in the sofa.
I felt her breathe on my chin. I just saw her lips, nothing else and then in that magical moment, she closed her eyes and then her tongue was in my mouth.
This time she grabbed me more tightly, maybe she don't want to end up tonight and go back to same old morning.

She looked directly into my eyes. Where I found lots of love, charm, care.
I picked her up in my arms and took her to my bedroom and laid her down onto the soft mattress of bed.
I said 'I LOVE YOU' in a low whisper in her ear. She shivered with the coldness in my voice. I pulled the zipper down until it was completely undone and helped her comeout of the dress.
Once she was out of it she was left only in her red lacey underwear with her hair down her shoulders.
I was watching her through the mirror and my gaze followed every curve and every inch of her skin.
I moved my fingers caressing it on the way.

I turned her around and brushed my fingers from her collar bone through the valley between her breasts to her navel and stopped at her waist.
My other hand followed the similar pattern and when both of my hands were on either side of her waist I tugged her towards my chest.

Her breast were pressing against my hard chest and I squeezed her rear making her gasp. My mouth descended on her kissing her lips urging her,
coaxing her to come closer.
Jamini's free hand roamed through my hair tugging those silly locks and I love that.
It clamed me when she did that.

I moaned in her mouth obviously like what she did. It came as a surprise to her when I placed my hands under her thighs and picked her up. After a few steps we stopped and I lowered her onto the soft mattress of the bed.

I straightened myself and observed her body that was spread out for me. My gaze moved everywhere from her bare legs to her thighs, to her stomach, to her chest that was heaving with anticipation of what was to come next.

I removed my shirt and threw it carelessly on the floor. She reached up to assist me in getting rid of my clothes.
My pant and tie were next to join the floor. I laid her flat on her back and hovered above her. My mouth found her sensitive but hardened buds sucking the tender flesh. She moaned in delight at the pleasurable feeling.

' You are beautiful Jamini. So beautiful ! '

I kissed at the base of her throat before she felt the hard tip of my erection press against her opening. I kissed her a last time before pushing all the bare length of mine in her. Her back arched at the stretching of her muscles to accomodate me.

You will never leave me alone, she asked pleading and at the same time demanding promise.

Now it is 3 A.M.
Jamini is still lying on my bed; DEAD.
The pillow under her head is now above her head.


I hope you are enjoying the story.

Next part will be updated soon.


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