Episode 2

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Y/N's mind: will I ever get to see that guy again? I don't have his phone number, I don't know where his school is either... WOAH.... why am I thinking of this... doesn't this make me weird..? I must be happy cause he's like me...

Boi, I think too much, my brain is just gonna lose brain cells

Y/N: UGH! Forget about him... I'll probably won't ever see him again...

Audrey: *puts her hand on Y/N's shoulder* Hey Y/N... what are you thinking about...?

This bitch really had the nerve to fucking touch me-

Y/N: *you slap Audrey's hand off your shoulder* What do you want?!

I should have slapped her in the face

Audrey: awww why the cold attitude??


Y/N: stop acting like your my friend or I'll melt you...

I could've said something cooler.

Audrey: whatever.

-Y/N starts walking away from Audrey-

Audrey: ...just wait and see what your walking into...

Umm, sorry to break it to you hon, I'm not a mirror

Y/N: so annoying....

-Y/N arrives at her house-

Y/N's mom: Y/N... I know you hate school, but you can't keep on skipping school...

Y/N: I know... I'm sorry mom...

Y/N's mom: hurry and eat, I made food for you!

Y/N: I'm sorry, I'll eat it later... I'm tired right now...

Y/N's mom: alright then.

-Y/N goes to her room and falls asleep-

-A few hours later-

Y/N's mind: I'm bored... is there something I could do..? Oh right, the food mom made me!

-Y/N goes outside of her room and starts eating at the table-

-after eating-

Y/N's mind: I can't believe I actually want to become a hero with these useless quirks... but I guess it's better than being quirkless...

Y/N's mom: are you sure you still want to get into UA?

Y/N: of course I do...

Y/N's mom: just know I'll always support you, okay?

Y/N: yea thanks mom...

At least someone cares

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