Y/N's mind: I swear they are so annoying....
Y/N's mom: Who?
Y/N: Ah... just the idiots...
Y/N's mom: Don't worry they'll leave you alone soon enough...
Y/N: I hope
-The next day-
Deku: Hi Y/N! What happened yesterday?
Y/N: I wasted my poor time...
Deku: Oh what hap-
-you look back and see that Bakugou has a face that wants to kill you, welp time to run-
Y/N: Uh, Deku I think I should go ahead, sorry.
Deku: S-sure! See you Y/N!
-you quickly run away-
Y/N: NO!
-you stupidly look back and see that Bakugou was blasting himself towards you-
Y/N's mind: Oh shit!
-you grab everything you see and melt them, you controlled the melted stuff to cover yourself in case Bakugou uses his quirk on you, and of course you were right-
Bakugou: TAKE THIS!
Y/N's mom: Ah... kids these days...
Random person: Uh, are you sure it's okay for them to play like that? Isn't it dangerous? Aren't you worried?
Y/N's mom: You worry too much! This is normal for them!
-A while later-
Y/N: Hey! You almost got in trouble for using your quirk outside of school!
Bakugou: Idiot, we did get in trouble.
Y/N: Hmmm... right... I should have stayed with Deku...
Mr. Aizawa: This was your LAST chance... and you ruined it...
Y/N&Bakugou's mind: F*ck...
All might: And what should we do?
Y/N: Haha... umm...
Y/N's mind: Damn this was my only chance to get into UA... and I only have one life.... ugh I keep messing it up...
Nezu: I'm not sure... maybe we should give them another chance...? Again...
Mr. Aizawa: We gave them too much chances.
Nezu: Hm... but they would both be strong heroes... they would be almost unstoppable if they only worked together...
Y/N: Hai... (Yes...)
All might: Ah yes! Teamwork! They need teamwork!
Y/N's mind: What is this? Spongebob? Pfttt...
Mr. Aizawa: I don't see how they will be able to work together if they can't even get along.
All might: But you were watching them, right?
Y/N: Well, that's creepy...
Mr. Aizawa: Hm.... well, they both do hang out a lot, they fight, but they will always be together in the end...
Bakugou: HAH?!
-You look over to All might who seemed a bit shocked, like he just remembered something important-
All might: Of course! Young Bakugou and young L/N (changed it to the last name since it makes more sense) do get along very well! Remember the time when the building collapsed on young L/N?
Everyone in the office: Yea...?
All might: Young Bakugou didn't hesitate to protect young L/N!
Mr. Aizawa: I guess... but Bakugou failed to save L/N and they both ended up getting stuck.
Nezu: BUT! They had a plan and it ended up working just fine!
Present Mic: OH!! Weren't they the one who brought the reporters and media's to UA?! That means they worked together!
Y/N: EEK! When did that thing get here?!
Bakugou: Pfttt...
Present Mic: Hey! That's rude!
Y/N: S-sorry!
Bakugou: Dumbass!
Mr. Aizawa: I guess they do have a little teamwork... but that does not change the fact that they both caused trouble.
All might: This was their last chance... but I think they understand what's going to happen if they cause trouble, right young Bakugou and young L/N?
-You and Bakugou both nod-
-you both then leave the office-
Y/N: Dang, how do we keep on getting lucky? We always get away with everything!
Bakugou: Hm...
Y/N: Watcha thinking about?
Bakugou: I'm thinking about NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS!
Y/N: Rude. Rude rude rude.
Bakugou: Like I care.
Y/N: Right... what should we do now?-
???: You guys will have to learn how to get along like actual friends...
-You and Bakugou turn around to see Mr. Aizawa-
Bakugou: I'm not even friends with that idiot!
We are friends, maybe even more than that?
Y/N: Shut up!
Mr. Aizawa: This is what I was talking about, you guys fight and argue yet you two stay together.
Y/N: I don't know, me and Bakugou just keeps bumping into me!
Mr. Aizawa: And whenever you guys see each other, all you do is fight... and get in trouble...
-you and Bakugou look at each other-
Y/N: Right...

Once in a lifetime (Bakugou x reader)
FanfictionY/N lives in a world full of powerful people with quirks, but Y/N's quirk might not exactly be for heroes. Y/N is a loner who gets bullied at her school, she doesn't have anyone, but her mom. Y/N has thoughts, but she tries to keep quiet. One day, a...