haha look at the picture above.

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This chapter for youFullNephilim
You asked for it so here goes and thanks for reading. I was ready to stop the story im glad your enjoying it.


We all landed in a heap in a dark city alley. Let me rephrase that they all landed in a heap on top of me. "Ow get off i can't breathe!" I yelped. "Leo get your butt of my face now! " Piper snapped. "Whoops sorry" Leo said as everyone rolled off me. "Woah where are we?" Hazel asked. It was dark out and I could tell this wasn't the safest neighborhood as Annabeth and I peeked around the corner. "We need a place to stay for tonight" Annabeth decided. "We should go look for a hotel" Jason said. Good idea but we can't all go we don't know what is out there. "I'll go and Frank could come too since he can fly". "Ok just stay out of sight bro, we don't want to scare anyone" I said. "Will do" Jason said and then he and Frank, already a falcon, both flew away into the night.

A minute or so later they came back and Frank reported what he saw. "There's a big hotel eight blocks that way", he pointed west. So as we all walked out of the alley we all walked quickly and quietly trying not to draw any attention, but there was no one around. Then after we had walked about four blocks away from where we started, we heard a scream in the nearest alley. We all ran in that direction and saw a dozen men who had cornered a pretty teenage girl. "Hey beat it perverts!" Leo yelled his voice reverberating through the alley. "Aww how cute a couple of kids trying to play hero" the biggest man, obviously the leader said.
"How bout you make us" a smaller one said, as they pulled out bats and crowbars . "Put down your wea-" thats all piper got to say before one of them lunged at her she managed to jump over him but slipped in a puddle and fell. "Drop your weapons now" Jason said in a low dangerous voice as he rose a couple feet off the ground, his eyes and finger tips glowing with electricity as we all got ready for a fight. "Run they're metas!" The big one screamed as the dropped their weapons and ran. "Are you ok!?" Hazel exclaimed rushing over to the girl. Y-y-yeah th-thank you im f-f im fine she said. "Did they hurt you?" Annabeth asked looking her over for injuries. "No im fine" the girl said. "You should go straight home as fast as you can" Leo said and the girl ran off. "Whats a meta?" Frank asked, a frown on his face. "I've never heard of it, but we should get moving the streets aren't safe". Annabeth said. A couple of blocks later we found the hotel a big sign saying Welcome to The Best Hotel in Metropolis. "Metropolis",I asked "is that the name of the city?"" I guess but I've never heard of it" Piper said

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