Chapter 16

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Jason's point of view:

"Gotham Academy...ugh school, why!?!?" Leo hollered. "Leo, you know what the gods said." I said. "Yeah, but..." He stopped trying to formulate a plan to get out of going. "I hate school as much as you, but we have no choice." Percy said. I could see how hard he was trying not to complain like Leo. Annabeth gave Leo a look that was more effective than my sisters shield, I still don't understand how any human being could possibly have such any intimidating glare. "Ok I guess I'll go to school" he said. "You know they have uniforms, right" Piper told him. I could see the look of pure misery on Leo's face.

As we got out of the taxi, Hazel tipped the driver and we walked into the hotel. It was pretty empty, we got in line behind a group of cheerleaders, probably visiting for a cheer competition. Percy whispered something about them  to Annabeth and she punched him. When we got to the line the man gave us a room key and told us to be careful on the streets at night because it's a rough neighborhood. We got walked up the stairs, trying to be quite so we we didn't wake anyone up. We got to our room and Annabeth fumbled with the key.

It definitely wasn't as nice as the hotel in metropolis. There were was a dirty bathroom and a small living room with two small beds crammed into it. "Lovely" Frank grumbled. "It's not too bad, we can move the beds together and it might fit the seven of us" Hazel said trying to be optimistic. "Umm.. Don't you see the huge yellow stain" I asked. "Woah,woah,woah, I ain't sleeping in that bed" Percy said. "I can go ask for a different room" I offered. "He said this was the last room" Frank reminded me. Everyone turned and looked at Annabeth expectantly. Ok it'll be fine, Frank can go look for a place to sleep as a bird and someone else can go buy some sheets from the nearest store". "We're pretty low on money" Leo reminded her. "We'll figure something out tomorrow after school, I'll go to the store." I said trying to keep everyones spirit up. "Percy, you should go with him while Piper helps me sort through our stuff" Annabeth said. "What about Leo" I asked. "I'm going with Hazel to try and find some diamonds to sell." He answered. I grabbed mine and Percy's jackets and we headed out.

  "Wait, didn't that news report say that Batman watches over Gotham." Percy looked over at me and answered, "Yeah your right, what does he do again, I heard he was like a ninja? "Something like that, they say he leads a team of superheroes", I said. "Yeah I heard a old couple talking about that, yesterday the Justice League, right". "Yeah that" I answered. Oh my gods, Jason look". He pointed to an nearby apartment building. The building was on fire and the sky turned grey from the smoke. "We have to help, come on I yelled". I focused and my costume spread over my body, my clothes morphing into it, I turned and percy had done the same. I grabbed him by the arms and lifted off.

  "Whats the plan" I asked. I have to get inside, I can put out the fire better from in there, I need you to find away to clear out the smoke so the people can breathe" Percy answered. I put him down outside the and landed on the west side of the building where the smoke was the worst. I called upon the wind, using it to circulate through the building, sucking out the smoke a vacuum. The people who lived in the building were screaming now, most of them running for the fire ecape. I knew it wouldn't hold together though, it was old and rusty, after five people got of it collapsed and I had very little time to act. There was many people on it as it was falling. I used the winds to make a small cyclone, just enough to cushion their fall. I checked to see if they were ok as fast as I could. "Please help them... My dogs in there... My grandma lives in there... My husband...." They all screamed. "I'm trying ma'am and sir" I said. I flew up in the air so I could focus. "Percy can you hear me, the building is groaning, it won't hold much longer, get people to the windows!" I could hear him screaming to everyone telling them it would be ok and to go to the windows on the west side of the building. "I got everyone out of the bottom floor, I can't get through a door and there's a little kid crying inside "He yelled. "Do whatever you have to to get everyone out, the building is coming down either way". I struggled trying to control the winds, I made the cyclone bigger to catch more people, but my energy was draining. As I held the cyclone together, I had fly to the windows and grab the people who wouldn't jump.

  "Second floor clear, but the smoke is getting thicker up hear and it's getting hard to breath" Percy called through the coms. I summoned another small twister, horizontally out of a top floor window using it like one of Archimedes hydraulic screws to carry out the smoke. I can't keep this up much longer I thought. I used the first cyclone to catch a couple dozen more people, but my whole body was shaking with strain. I knew Percy couldn't be in much better shape, he must be controlling tons of water to put the water out. "Percy what's going on up there?" I asked and I could hear the strain in my voice. "I got 19 people and a dog up here" he yelled, his voice shaking. "I see you" I yelled he was standing with two teenagers, a small child, a real bulky dude holding a Chihuahua and an old lady who looked really pale , the smoke most have gotten in her lungs real good and 5 adults. I flew up and Percy handed me the child through the window, and I raised the tornado higher, "Two at a time" I told them. The old lady and one of the teenagers stepped forward but the building shook. I backed up as a gargoyle from the roof fell at me, but it was all I could do to keep from plummeting the winds jerked as I rode down with the baby. I landed and handed the baby to hand firefighter who had just showed up. I turned to fly up to help Percy, but I fell to my knees and saw a two caped people fly through the window before everything turned black.

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