The Dicision

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3rd person POV

"Get off my back about it OLD HAG!" Katsuki yelled at his mother as he ran upstairs to his bedroom. Mitsuki sat down on the charcoal couch ready to scream , but instead that anger was replaced with sadness. She felt utterly hopeless and started crying right then and there. Masuru , her husband , came and sat down next to her and rubbed her back soothingly.

"Why does he do this Masuru. He comes home late and when I ask him about what he was doing he just snaps at me and runs to his bloody room. Why can't he show a little respect for all that I do for him , gosh, he doesn't even respect you!" Mitsuki said between sobs. She was sick of her and her son always arguing.

Masuru looked at his wife in utter shock at her words. He was speechless. He didn't know what to answer that with. "I don't know." he said still trying to come up with a better sentence to make his wife feel better.

All of a sudden Mitsuki jumped up off the couch and faced Masuru ,who was looking shocked at her outburst, and smiled at him and and sat down again. "All he cares about is himself and becoming number one right?" Mitsuki said still smiling.

Masuru nodded wearily and answered right. " Masuru , don't you see, he can't become a good hero if all he cares about is himself. What if we adopted a little kid and got him to look after it. He would basically be forced to care about someone else , and we have wanted another kid anyways , SO WHY NOT. The plan is fool proof!"

Masuru thought for a second before looking at his wife again and saying "I know what orphanage that we could go to tomorrow."

Mitsuki stood up and made her way to her phone to book an appointment at the orphanage for the following day.

Before she dialed the number she turned to Masuru who was thinking about what the kid would be like and said "We will keep this a secret from Katsuki until we bring the kid home " and Masuru nodded.

### The next day, Saturday###

Mitsuki woke up to remember the appointment at the orphanage. She shook her husband awake and told him that they had to get up.

As Mitsuki walked into the kitchen to make breakfast , she heard a grumble coming from the stairs. She looked up to see Katsuki walking towards her into the kitchen. " Good morning Brat" (that's what Mitsuki calls katsuki )

Katsuki looked up at his mom "Why are you so happy , your never this happy in the morning" Katsuki said and looked at his mom suspiciously.

"Oh hush and eat your breakfast Brat" Mitsuki answered and shoved a plate of scrambled eggs at her son. " Old hag" Katsuki mumbled in response which earned him a wack to he back of the head from Mitsuki. "Respect your mother D#mmit "

Katsuki just growled and sat down at the dining room table. "oh Brat, we're going to be gone till 1pm" Mitsuki said to her son as she places masuru's plate at the table. "why, where are you guys going " Katsuki said to which Masuru answered "you'll find out soon enough"

Katsuki looked at his father suspiciously but continued eating.

---time skip---

"We're leaving brat, make sure that you don't burn the house down " Mitsuki called from the front door to her son upstairs. Katsuki didn't respond , he just sat on his bed contemplating what to do today , he had a good 2 hours to himself.

He decided to watch a horror movie that his parents said he couldn't watch. As he watched the intro he couldn't help but wonder what was up with his parents and why they were acting so strange this morning.

***at the orphanage***
Ketany's POV

I woke up to the sound of Mrs Harrison's awful screening. "GET DOWN HERE NOW YOU LITTLE DEVIL'S , THE VISITORS ARE HERE!" definitely nothing better than hearing that lovely voice in the mornings. (sarcasm)

Well , I get up and put on my black t-shirt that is quite a bit to big for me , I am small for my age though , atleast that's what I'm always told.

Apparently 3 year olds aren't supposed to be the size of a 2 year old. I'm also told that I'm too smart for my age , but it's not my fault that I like reading thick books that are difficult to read ,for most people that is.

I put on my denim blue shorts that are also too big for me and I head downstairs out of my tiny room that is considered a bedroom.

When I get to the bottom of the stairs I see all the girls in the orphanage getting lined up by Mrs Harrison. We're always in the same spots so I go to my place in line and stand still looking at the floor.

All of a sudden Mrs Harrison's booming voice fills the room and all the chattering girls go silent. I see Mrs Harrison greeting a couple , the woman with ash blond hair that looks like an explosion but also looks really pretty and crimson red eyes, followed by a man with brown hair and brown eyes.

They look kind.

Mitsuki's POV

As we walked into the orphanage we were greeted by a tough looking woman and a line of girls , looking like they were put in line from oldest to youngest judging by their height.

"ahh welcome , Mr and Mrs Bakugo, I am Mrs Harrison , how may I help you today?" Mrs Harrison says. "We are doing fine thank you, we would like to look at girls between the age of 3 and 4 years of age"
Mitsuki said in response , kind but firm as she always was with strangers.

"Alright then , I'll get the files for you to read and then you can meet your favorites " Mrs Harrison said while walking away to get the files.

Once she brought the files back she led us into a room for us to read the files. Mrs Harrison left us to read the files and I started looking through them with Masuru. Out of all the little girls there was only one that caught our attention.

The file read:

Name: Ketany

Surname: unknown

Age : 3

Allergies : None

Birthday: 25 August

Personality: Kind , respectful , quiet, introverted.

Notes: She suffers from nightmares , but they only occur when something happens throughout the day that reminds her of her old parents and what they did to her.
She is really smart, much smarter than what she should be at 3 , she became smart from reading adult books with big words in it and reading dictionaries to , in her words , extend her vocabulary.
She doesn't trust people easily, especially not men.

(end file)

Wow, that's a lot to take in. Smart girl , I like the sound of that. Although it would be fun to have a kid to teach things to again , I guess that it's alright if I don't get to do it again. I looked at Masuru who knew exactly what I was thinking "She's the one" I said and Masuru nodded in agreement.

We're adopting Ketany soon to be Ketany Bakugo.

Yay, hope to see you soon for the next episode lovely readers.

Bye my dudes.

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