Quirk Doctor

96 3 0

(still Ketany's birthday )

Ketany's POV
We got into the car to go somewhere, I'm not exactly sure where , but Katsuki said that the people there are going to help me find out exactly what my quirk is.

The long drive to the so called 'doctors office' was pretty long , but atleast Katsu (her nickname for Katsuki) was there to keep me entertained.

Honestly he has been really nice to me ever since he wrote me that note, maybe he really is warming up to me. He did say that he loved me. Is this what love feels like. I feel warm inside and ...safe? Well that's a feeling that I haven't felt in ... well, forever.

"Hey idiot, are you listening, we're here. " Katsuki said breaking my train of thought. "Oooh , really?" I replied excitedly. "yes idiot. Let's go. " Katsu said while unbuckling me from my car seat and picking me up.

"Katsu, I can walk. " I said , feeling slightly treated like a baby, although, I am one. "And?" he replied while walking calmly to the big white building.

We walked through the glass doors and while Mitsuki and Masuru went to the front desk, Katsu took me to a corner with toys and colouring books. He put me down and told me to play with whatever was there until we had to go in.

I started colouring in a picture of a dog and that was enough for me , so I went back to Katsu and tried to get onto his lap. He was doing something on his phone, too focused to notice that I was there until he felt me grab onto his leg, trying with all my might to lift myself up.

After about a minute of my struggling and Katsu looking at me amused he lifted me up onto his lap and chuckled at me. I pouted. "It's not funny!" I said slightly annoyed.

"It is a little funny. " he said still smirking a bit. "Bakugou ?" I heard a voice , not too far away, call out to the almost empty waiting room. I turned my head to see a man standing with a clipboard and a white robe thingy.

Mitsuki replied to the man with "Right here. " then she got IP and motioned for us to follow, and so we did. Katsu picked me up and started walking towards Mitsuki and Masuru, who were already headed into a room.

Katsu sat down and put me onto his lap once again. "Hello Mr and Mrs Bakugou , and son and daughter. I am aware that you are here to test your daughter's quirks, correct?" The man asked. "Correct. " Mitsuki answered.

"Right then, please place , was it , Ketany , on the bed. " The man , that I now know as doctor, said. I could feel Katsu hesitate for a second, but then he got up and put me on the bed, glaring at the doctor when he went back to his seat.

"Almighty then , lets begin. " The doctor said as he gently places his hand onto my head.

---20 minutes later ---

I feel a little dizzy , but the doctor said that it's just a side effect of his quirk. "Here are the results , if you lovely folks have any questions , feel free to call the office and ask for me. Have a good day now!" he said with a kind smile on his face.

***Back at home, cause I don't want to write about the drive back home***

We were all now sitting at the dinner table looking at the papers. Mitsuki then said that she will read it all out loud.

(The paper)

Patient: Ketany Bakugou
Reason for admission : Quirk analysis

_Quirk 1_
Name: Electricity

Possibilities of what it can do :
-CREATE electricity - does not need a source of electricity , for you can create it.
-MANIPUPLATE electricity - You can control it to do what you please , and can ( with practice) make objects or weapons out of electricity.

Drawbacks if quirk is being overused :
-Headaches ( first sign that quirk is being overused )
-Blood nose (second sign)
-Fainting (third sign)

What it looks like: indigo(mix of blue and purple) coloured lightning

_Quirk 2_

Name : Healing

Possibilities of what it can do:
-Heal injuries - since the amount of healing that is possible depends on how much energy you have left, you MUST eat something after a long day of using your quirk

Drawbacks if quirk is being overused :
-tiredness / energy loss (sign one )
-Dizzyness (sign two)
-Fainting (sign three)

(end of paper)

Katsuki's POV

Wow, that's a lot to take in. I guess since a lot of her abilities depends on how much she trains them to become stronger and so that she can last longer with using them , I'm gonna have to train her. But then again , with UA and hero training, im gonna have a tight schedule , but I'll do it for her.

"Hey Idiot. You have got some fine quirks. " I said to my baby sister. She just looked up at me with a scared look on her face and said " Please train me, I don't want to hurt anyone with my quirk again like I did with you this morning."

I looked at her, picked her up and said "Don't worry, I'm already ahead of you, and you start school tomorrow, you will be just fine. If anything happens , just tell me and I'll deal with it , alright."

Helloooo people , hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Bye my dudes!

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