Birthday SUPRISE

108 3 0

5 August
Ketany's POV

I woke up this morning to singing and three big smiles , well two and a quarter , cause Katsuki refused to smile.

"Happy birthday my little angel!" Mitsuki screamed as she hugged me. "It's my birthday?" I questioned looking at her confused.

"Of course it's your birthday, and from this year onwards we are going to celebrate it." Mitsuki answered. Masuru looked at me and smiled a big happy smile. "Happy birthday babygirl."

Now it was Katsuki's turn. Mitsuki looked at Masuru and motioned for him to go out of the room with her following close behind, and then shutting the door behind her.

Katsuki sat down at the end of my bed , hiding something small behind his leg. Just as I was about to ask about it, Katsuki spoke up.

"Look, I'm not great with expressing my feelings , but I'm just going to say this and get it over with." he took a deep breath and started speaking again. "I acted like a real jerk the firs two or three weeks that you first got here, (a/n ,that was last month aka July) and to be honest, I really didn't like you because you were just a hurdle in the long run of my life long plan, but, I got attached and decided that I had to make a plan that involves you. "

I sat there completely shocked at what I was hearing. I mean , he never talks like this. My thoughts were stopped as he started talking again.

"So what I guess I'm trying to say is, that I'm .... Ugh why is this so hard to say? I'm .... Sorry. For acting like an @$$ two you. And to sort of make up for it , I guess , I got you something since it is your birthday."

Katsuki's words left you speechless and frozen. He apologized? That must have been a pain for him. Katsuki reached behind his leg and threw a tiny box at you and you caught it , snapping out of your daze.

The box was about the size of a big matchbox. It was a beautiful box, not needing any wrapping paper. Although it was decorated with a bow around it.

I loosened the bow and pulled it off of the tiny box. Opening the box my jaw dropped. I saw a silver chained necklace with a silver lightning bolt pendant.

As I inspected the necklace in awe , I noticed small writing on the back of the pendant. I looked closer and read what it said out loud. "Love you , brat. From Katsuki. "

I smiled the biggest smile that I could physically manage and tackled Katsuki in a hug. "Thank you ,your The best big brother ever!" j yelled as I hugged him.

At first he didn't move and sat there frozen , but after a few seconds he hugged me back and said "Yeah yeah, your welcome. "

"And ... I love you too!" I said in a cheery voice.
Katsuki seemed like he relaxed a bit after I said that. As I let go of him he got up and picked me up again.

"You gotta have your birthday breakfast in your PJ's."he said. "Wait, can you please help me put the necklace on. " I asked. All he did was sigh , put me down on my bed, get the necklace from its box and put it around my neck.

When he was done I looked at it in awe and smiled really big. I looked like Katsuki was smiling but I couldn't really tell because he picked me up before I could see it properly.

We headed downstairs and when we reached the bottom he put me down and told me to go sit down. I did as I was told and sat down at the table and was greeted by a plate of chocolate chip pancakes with rainbow sprinkles. It looks awesome.

As I started eating my breakfast I heard a loud crash a "ahh"  screech following not far behind. I got up and ran into the kitchen to find Mitsuki standing by a broken  plate holding her hand whilst silently cursing.

I ran up to her and suddenly had the weirdest feeling. Like I needed to cover the wound and so I did. When I released Mitsuki's hand the cut was gone.

"How did yo... YOUR QUIRK IS HEALING !!!" Mitsuki yelled in excitement. "I got my quirk !!" I yelled in surprise. Masuru and Katsuki burst in and asked what happened and we explained everything.

They were so happy, but Katsuki was ecstatic. He picked me up and was about to say something when suddenly. "OUCH!" he yelled. He almost dropped me might I add. Luckily it was almost.

But that was not wat is on my mind right now , it's that I have this buzzing feeling flowing through me and it feels like ... electricity?

Katsuki looked at me and said "What was that for ? Wait , that wasn't healing, that was like getting zapped by an electric fence..." before bursting out with "MY SISTER HAS TWO AWESOME QUIRKS !!!"

I looked at everyone and we were all delighted to find that out , now I just need to learn how to control  it.

Hello dearest readers
I just wanted to say sorry for the late episode and I will be getting the next one out asap and also , the next episode will contain information about Ketany's quirk.

Bye my dudes! :)

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