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Ketany's POV

I was waiting in line when I heard Mrs Harrison walk into the room and say congratulations to the couple that followed her out of the room that they were in. That's confusing, usually the couples would talk to the girl they want to adopt before they go through with it , wow, they must really like this girl.

As they were talking I heard Mrs Harrison say "There she is " while pointing directly at me. I looked around shocked , to see if they could have possibly been pointing at someone else , but there was no on else around me.

I'm getting adopted. This has never , in the one year that I have been here , no one has ever thought about adopting me and now thus couple just wants me. Why? I'm not that interesting , I don't have friends here at the orphanage or at kindergarten.

As all these questions were running through my head , the couple had already walked towards me and crouched down to my height in front of me.

"Hello Ketany" I heard the nice looking lady and man say in unison. "we've adopted you" I heard the lady say. I was shocked, I couldn't say anything. Then she said "is that alright with you?" and since I couldn't say anything , I nodded my head.

I was excited and scared at the same time. I don't trust people just like that but this time is different, I feel safe around them and they give off a comforting aura.

Maybe this won't be so bad.

They told me to get my stuff and when I came downstairs with a small plastic bag in hand , they were shocked. "We are definitely going shopping tomorrow." said the nice lady.

As we were walking out of the orphanage I spoke for the first time "so what do I call you ?" I asked looking up at the lady. She looked down at me smiling , picked me up and said "well , you can call me Mitsuki or mom, and you can call him Masuru or dad, whatever you fell comfortable with really" she finished off and I just laid my head on her shoulder and hugged her. Mitsuki hugged me in return and I said "thank you .... Mom"

She seemed to like that and when we got in the car she realized something. "I almost forgot to tell you , you have an older brother now. His name is Katsuki and I have to warn you, he is a little mean sometimes but he won't ever hurt you physically , he will just need to get used to having a little sister ." she said

"So , your saying that he might not want me but he will get used to me eventually , correct" I Said

She looked at me shocked and nodded while saying to Masuru "Now I understand what the file meant by she was smart , her vocabulary is really good and big words. "

***At home ***

Mitsuki pointed to a house and said that this was my new home as we pulled into a driveway, the house was really nice and looked big to me.

As we got out Mitsuki asked me if I liked the clothes that were on me and in my plastic bag. The only clothes I had was 2 t-shirts and one pair of shorts. I shook my head no because they were really scratchy , but still better than nothing.

So Mitsuki took the bag and put it in a bin. All I did was look at her and shrug. Mitsuki took my hand and Masuru opened the door. As we walked in I was astounded by the fact that the house was big and really neat. Mitsuki laughed at my facial expression and asked if I liked it and of course I answered yes.

Mitsuki led me to the lounge room that was connected to the kitchen and another door that led to possibly a bedroom and a staircase.

It was huge.

"Brat , get down here. " Mitsuki yelled up the stairs. I heard a grumble and loud footsteps coming from upstairs. What is that? I quickly hid behind Mitsuki's leg , just in time too. At the bottom of the staircase I saw a grumpy , teenage looking boy , that looked a lot like Mitsuki.

"What!?" The boy , that I assume is Katsuki , yelled/asked Mitsuki. " I have someone that you need to meet. Come out Ketany , it's okay" She said in a soothing voice.

I stepped out into view and I looked up to see Katsuki looking down at me in confusion and anger.
"What the h#ll is that?!" He yelled and I looked down.

"SHE is your new little sister and you will treat her as such , alright! And you need to give her a bath and lend her one of your shirts because it's almost 7 pm , gosh I didn't think that it would take that long to adopt a kid. "

"You adopted a little brat without asking me about it!" Katsuki yelled , what is it with him and yelling? Mitsuki slapped him on the back of his head and she yelled back at him "I don't need your consent to adopt a kid, Brat! Now go up those stairs and take her with you so that you can give her a bath!"

Katsuki glared at his mother and started walking up the stairs motioning for me to follow. I did as I was told and started to climb the stairs but since I'm so small it was taking me time to get up each step.

Katsuki turned around at the top of the stairs, probably expecting me to be right by him , but I was at the bottom step climbing the second. He rolled his eyes muttering swimwear words all the way down , and he yanked me up onto his hip and carried me up the stairs.

When we got to the top he put me down and told me to follow him. And so I did. He ended up going into a bathroom and told me to wait there.

A few seconds later , he returned with a black t-shirt with a skull on it.

Katsuki's POV

Ugh, no way in h#ll do I want to give this thing a bath , but if I want to keep going to UA I have to. I started running the bath water and started helping the tiny girl take her giant t-shirt and shorts off. (a/n I swear if I read any perverted comments about this I will find you)

I lifted her into the bath not taking notice of her existence too much. I saw that her hair was really oily so I decided to wash her hair. "Close your eyes and keep still" I said and all she did was nod.

When I was done washing her hair , I pulled the plug from the bath to refrain it and lifted her out of the bath. I took a towel and started to dry off the tiny thing in front of me. When I got to her back I noticed small circular burn wound scars all in different spots other back.

I stared at the scars for a good 10 seconds before asking "Hey Brat, where did you get these" while poking one of the dots. "Oh , my old mommy and daddy did that to me with a lit cigarette. "

To be completely honest with you , I was caught off guard with that , one because of what her parents did to her and two because of how fluently she said her sentence.

I finished drying her off and put my old t-shirt on her. I got up and let her out of the bathroom. She went to the stairs and started her slow walk down the stairs and I hate slow things so on my way down the stairs I picked her up under her arms , lifted her up and put her back on the floor when we reached the bottom of the stairs.

Oohhhh , Katsuki is warming up to her , very slowly but it's still happening.

Bye my dudes!

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