First day of school

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Ketany's POV

Waking up in the morning with the sun shining directly into your face is not really what I would refer to as waking up peacefully. I groan as I sit up and rub my eyes to adjust to the bright light. I hear a sound at the door and look to see Katsu standing there peeping inwards. "Oh, good , you're already awake. " He says and strides towards the bed.

I look up at him confused and say "What would you want to wake me up in the first place, it's too early." he just looked at me and smirks. "Well it is your first day of school, you wouldn't want to be late now will you?"

I shot out of bed looking very shocked and panicky. "What ! Where's my uniform? " I yelled out scrambling , looking all over the place for some clothes that resemble a uniform. Katsu then grabbed me by the wrist , turned me so that I'm facing him , crouches in front of me , holds my shoulders and says. "You don't have a uniform. And I know your next question will be what to wear, and don't worry , I can help you pick something out if you want. "

I slowly exhale a breath that I didn't know I was holding. Katsu let me go and opened my closet and started to shuffle through my clothes probably searching for an outfit for me. He came back to me shortly after and presented to me a black t-shirt , grey shorts , and black sneakers.

"There's your outfit and no you won't need a jacket , it's way to hot outside for that. " he said while answering my question.

I just looked up at him and nodded my head. He got the hint and left , closing the door behind him. Being alone , I let my thoughts run wild and Alli could think of was whether or not the kids will except me. As I was putting on my shoes and tying my shoelaces I wondered if I would even be able to make any friends , I mean, it is the second semester and the third term, everyone probably already made friends and connections to eachother , and they won't want me as a friend.

I sighed and started walking down the stairs , only to be met by a good morning from Mitsuki and Masuru. "First day of school, you excited?" Mitsuki asked. I nodded with a smile on my face , hiding my true thoughts on school.

Since I was nervous , I didn't want my voice to betray me and give it away , so I stayed mostly quiet. Staying quite and only speaking when absolutely necessary , I realized, was snot going to work because I am never this quiet so, I decided to include myself in some of the small conversations that went on around the room.

It was finally time to go to school and Katsu said that since the school was really close , he wouldn't have to walk with me unless I really wanted him to. And don't get me wrong , I did want him to , but I didn't want him to think that something was wrong so I said that I would be okay on my own. Why do I have to be so closed off , it's painful!

The walk to school was pretty short , like Katsu said , but I couldn't get over the feeling that someone was watching me. I looked around cause I was getting a little scared, but since there were quite a few people , anyone could have been looking at me , or it was just my nerves.

The feeling just kept on getting worse as I proceeded the walk to school and I looked around me to make sure that it was just my nerves , but looking around, there were several men all around me staring at me , not even not boring to look away when I looked at them. I made eye contact with one of them. All he did was creepily smirk at me and continue drinking his drink , whatever it was.

When I reached the school gates , I felt relief rush over me like a flood , the being watched feeling vanished and I felt okay. The walk to school may have been physically short but it was emotionally straining, which it feel like and eternity.

I went into the big building that is commonly referred to by the children attending it as Hell. I don't really blame them either. Finding my class was easy , but the tricky part was that I had to stand in front of new people because the class and already started.

I stopped at my Homeroom door and took a deep breath before pushing the door open. Everyone's eyes turned to me and I tried to avert eye contact at all costs. "Ahh , you must be the new student. " an old lady said. She had her white hair in a neat bun and she was wearing a beige shirt with a red knitted jersey over it. She had a lovely and calm smile on her face and it made me feel a little better.

"hello , I am miss Collins ,Come in and introduce yourself to the class sweetheart. " I gulped and slowly went and stood at the front of the class. Looking up to see about twenty pairs of eyes on you is not a great confidence boost for me. I decided that it's best if I kept my head tilted down and avoid looking at anyone.

"My name is Ketany Bakugo. " I said plainly and Miss Collins said "Can you please tell us your age , favourite colour , and what your quirk is if you have yours yet, all of the children here have already manifested theirs. "

I started to panic , but realized that I don't need to because everyone already has their quirk , so they won't really be interested in me , right. I don't know what kind of logical thinking this is but it's helping me calm down.

"I am four years old , my favourite colour is green and my two quirks are..." before I could finish my sentence , I was interrupted by a boy with red hair and grey eyes. "You have two quirks ?!" he asked.

The teacher didn't seem to mind the interruption to much , but the students did. It makes me think that they only realized what I had said when it was repeated loudly. Now everyone was looking at me.

I just ignored them and continued "Yes , I have two quirks. Electricity manipulation and healing." I finished my sentence and decided that it was best if I would just sit down , so I went to a random seat that happened to be next to the red haired boy. He was to my left. To my right , was a boy with blue hair and green eyes.

Hmm, he looks a little off. Just as a thought crossed my mind I realized that the teacher was talking again and I had to pay attention again.

Time skip- recess time.

It was now recess and I was pretty grateful. Class was filled with people randomly glancing at me. I couldn't handle it anymore. I went and sat down at an empty bench close to the classroom.

It was a good two minutes of listening people walking , running, screaming and having fun around me when I was joined by the boy with red hair. "Hi, I'm Hoka Todoroki. " he said with a big smile on his face while extending a hand out to me.

That name sounds so familiar. I heard Katsu cursing the name at home when he stubbed his toe. "Hi" I answered with an awkward smile. "well this is Kaito Midoria. He's shy just like you. " Hoka said pointing behind him at a boy with green hair. He looked up from the ground and said a barely audible hi.

It seems as though I might make friends in this school.

A/N really important
I am an actual idiot , I never told you guys what Ketany looks like. I'm such a bloody disappointment. Well here it is. Ketany has ash blonde hair and it goes down to her waist. It's also pretty straight and her eyes are  red , honestly she looks like Katsuki.

Also , I have a great plot twist ready for you all and you might hate me you might not.

Get ready for it

Bye my dudes.

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