Day off

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Ketany's POV

Since the school was a bit of a mess due to yesterday's events , Friday is now officially my day off. Katsuki still has to go to school though , which in my opinion sucks. But I can't really do much about it.

"Ketany, could you please come downstairs for me!" mom yelled from the kitchen "coming " I answered as I made my way slowly down the steps. When I entered the kitchen , she walked towards me and picked my up placing me on the bar stool at the kitchen counter.

"I have some things to discuss with you. First , since your name is what the orphanage named you , and we would have named you something else, would you like to have us change your name to what we would have made it or would you like to keep it the same , because we have you fill in the birth certuficate. " she asked

"Umm, what would you have named me?" I asked in response to her question. "We would have named you Katsumi , cause it's , as you can probably tell, close to Katsuki. But if you would like to keep it the way it is that's fine with me. "

I like the name Katsumi. It feels like a nice change. "I like Katsumi , it would be really nice if I could have that name. " I said. "Really, well alright then Katsumi Bakugo. " she said with a bright smile and wrote something down.

"And second, because the villains have been trying to get you and those two boys for a while now , UA, the school your brother goes to , has decided to let you three go to school there. Get all your education and some training as well, for your safety. Are you alright with that?" mom asked me.

"what are the boys names ?" I asked genuinely curious. She responded with " oh , umm, Kaito and Hoka. " at that very moment , I was so happy. "So I get to see my big brother and my friends , I'm totally fine with it!" I yelled with a big smile on my face.

"good to know that your alright with it , and , you mad friends , that's amazing. I'm so proud of you my little introverted baby. " Mitsuki said with a big smile on her face as she reached her hand forward to pat my head.

"oohh ,I know , you should invite them to over today so that I can get to know them. " she said happily. "Yes please, but , when Katsu is here. Be should meet them too."

"Alright , I'll arrange it now then!" Mitsuki said excitedly and turned away to make some phone calls.

Time skip-Katsuki is coming home.

I was busy sitting on Katsuki's bed waiting for him to come back home. It was taking longer than what I had expected and just as I was about to give up and do something fun I heard the door open and slam shut again, followed but Mitsuki scolding her son.

I sat up and waited for katsu to get up these steps so that I could see him and talk to him, but he was taking extra long , probably talking to mom. After about three or four minutes I heard the lovely sound of Katsu stomping up the steps.

When he entered the room, he saw me and stopped dead in his tracks. He leaned on the doorframe and said "So I hear that your going to school with me , and from now on you and those other two boys can't be out of the house on your own because it's too dangerous. And that your two friends , that happen to be boys are coming over here for a play date."

"No fair Katsu, I was supposed to tell you that. " I said with a fake pout. He just rolled his eyes at me and said "Be grateful that I don't have homework , that means that I just need to change and then I can talk to you. "

I took the hint and got off his bed to go out the door and when I was outside , he closed the door. I went to my room and started reading a book while waiting for katsu to finish and for Hoka and Kaito to show up. 

Ten minutes has passed and I hear the doorbell ring. I shoot up from my bed , put my bookmark in the book and rum down the stairs. When I reach the door , I see that Mitsuki had already let the boys in, but instead of two boys , there were four.

Standing behind Kaito was a boy with green hair and green eyes, and behind Hoka there was a boy with half white , half red hair and one blue eye and one grey eye. He looks really cool. They both look about Katsu's age too.

The one with the green hair is the first to introduce himself. "Hello , you must be Katsumi. I'm Izuku Midoria , Kaito's older brother. " then the half and half boy spoke up. "I'm Shoto Todoroki , Hoka's cousin, he recently started living with us. "

"Hi as you know I'm Katsumi , I'm really glad you could drop them o..." before I could finish , I was interrupted by none other than "Deku , Icy-Hot . What the HELL are you doing here?! "  Katsuki yelled.

Izuku immediately went visibly tense and he started stuttering "h-h-hey , Ka-ch-a-an , what a-are yo-ou doing he-here?" he asked nervously.

"I live here nerd , and Katsumi is my sister. " Katsuki retorted back. I can see that he doesn't like either of these boys. "Well Katsuki , you are going to have to occupy the boys because they have to stay with the little ones. How about you all go to the park." Mitsuki saved us , yet again.

I could see that Katsuki didn't like that idea , and just before he could yell back his answer, I tugged on his pant leg , getting the attention of everyone in the room. I looked up at him with pleading eyes and said "Please Katsu."

He seemed to have calmed down and he stormed off telling everyone that he was going to get ready. But Todoroki and Midoria both looked shocked , like they had never seen Katsu calm before.

"Why do you two look so surprised ?" I asked them. They both looked down to me at the same time and Midoria said "He's never calmed down like that before.  " I just looked up at him , smirked and said "The power of being his sister. "

And I went to talk to Hoka and Kaito , but just as I did I heard Midoria whisper "Even her smirk is the same as his ." and I smiled to myself.

Hope you all liked it , stay safe
Bye my dudes

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