part one.... escape

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It was Monday night, Y/N had finished up getting her needles. She was being guided back to her room when she quickly ran for it " Hey stop!" The men yelled as the followed her, sure she had tried so many times before and failed but this time she had a plan. She turned the corner and the men followed, she stood in a room and then flung the door open hitting the men knocking them out. She ran to a window and climbed out it " Y/N!" The main man who ' cared' for her yelled to her. She quickly jumped into a tree and began to climb down, her doll in her mouth. She jumped down from the tree hurting her ankle in the progress. She ran ignoring the men behind her. For a 6 year old she could run fast and was smart at some points .

She made it to the main part of London , she started walking since she lost the men. She stood still trying to catch her breath. She stood out from everyone since she was in one of those hospital gowns and had no shoes on, her hair down to her hips. She started walking again just as it rained. She walked up a street. The street had loads of houses and windows, she was about to turn around when a bit of thunder rang out through the air scaring her, she jumped dropping her doll and ran down the street trying to find somewhere to hide. She didn't want to go to someone's door and knock on it so she settled on woods or an abandoned place, but faith had other plans.

all the adults were in the kitchen chatting when Ginny came down and into the room. " Sirius there isn't any hospital close by is there?" She asked as Hermione stood behind her " no its far from here, why did someone get hurt?" He answered " no, we saw someone in one of those hospital gowns running into the park" Hermione said. " It looked like a little girl" Ginny said. " Strange, I'll go outside and look" Sirius said standing up. " Sirius you cant go outside , I'll go" Remus said standing up as Sirius sat down again. He grabbed an umbrella and walked out, When he put it up he saw the same girl running out of the park looking frightened, cold and hurt. He followed her worried

lab experiment . harry potter remus lupin x child readerWhere stories live. Discover now