where could you be

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trigger warning of abuse . ill tell you when its over in bold writing )

Y/N stared at the door of her room and she sat in the corner hugging her knees. She hoped someone from the house would walk through the door but,she was loosing hope. Every day after tests she stared at the door. The worst part was she was moved to a different lab so no one would know where she was. She had one hand on her knees and had one hand on her stomach. She had tried to run away but got caught again

trigger warning starts here:

Y/N ran down the hallway trying to escape again, suddenly when she turned the corner her arm was grabbed and she was thrown to the floor. The bodyguard started to kick her as her punishment s she cried and sobbed. She was then thrown back into her room and she heard a crack as she landed on the floor

trigger warning over

meanwhile everyone but Sirius and ginny was in a car driving around to try and find the car , soon they came across an abandoned building but lights were able to be seen on the inside. " This could be it" Mr Weasley said. They got out and snuck around to the front. The stunned the guards with petrificus totalus, They snuck inside and went into the security room. The stunned the people in there and turned off the cameras. " Alright split up, if you find Y/N grab her and get out" Mad eye said. " when your there flash the car lights " He added and they split up and went to different floor levels . Remus snuck around the floor he was on. Alohomora" He said opening a door. His eyes widened at what he saw


lab experiment . harry potter remus lupin x child readerWhere stories live. Discover now