its alright

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Remus followed the girl worried as she looked around for something shivering from the rain . " Are you alright?" Remus asked standing a few feet away from her. Y/N stepped back a small bit scared. " Its alright I don't bite" He joked. " What are you looking for?" He asked her. " d-doll" She stuttered out and kept looking for it. Remus spotted it and held it out " is this it?" He asked. Y/N and he handed it to her " T-thank you" She said holding it close to her. " Where is your guardian? I can help you find them if you want " He offered . Y/N shook her head and took a step back. " Bad" She said. " They're bad?" He asked Y/N nodded, then thunder rang out in the air causing Y/N to shake in fear. " Its alright it wont hurt you" Remus said. He held out a hand " You can stay with my friends and I, we'll keep you safe" He said kindly. Y/N slowly walked over to him and took his hand. Remus smiled kindly and lead her inside the house.

" OH dear what happened ?!" Mrs Weasley asked in a panic seeing the little girl. IN the light you could see her cuts and bruises easier . Y/N coward behind Remus. "Its ok, she wont hurt you, no one will" Remus said to her. " I can help you with your cuts and bruises" Mrs Weasley said holding out a hand. Y/N looked up at Remus who nodded. Y/N took her hand and she lead Y/N to the sitting room. Y/N sat on the couch and Mrs Weasley sat beside her. " Where does it hurt most dear?" She asked kindly . Y/N pointed to her ankle " It looks spraint , Don't worry though. What's your name Sweetheart?" She asked "Y-Y/N" Y/N said. " Well Y/N, Can you keep a secret?" She asked kindly. Y/N nodded " In this house we know magic, and it can heal you" Mrs Weasley said. Y/N's eyes sparkled in wonder. " Watch" Mrs Weasley then aimed her wand at Y/N's ankle while Remus watched from the door. She mumbled the spell under her breath and soon the pain went away in her leg. " See how that feels" Mrs Weasley said. Y/N stood up and her eyes widened as her felt fine. " Thank you" She said to Mrs Weasley . " No problem sweetheart , Now lets get you some new clothes" She said and brought her to ta spare bedroom where she magic up clothes. Y/N put the clothes on. " Now you should rest ok" Mrs Weasley said. Y/N nodded and layed down and fell asleep

lab experiment . harry potter remus lupin x child readerWhere stories live. Discover now