I got you

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Remus quickly ran over and gently hugged Y/N " Its alright I got you now ,Y/N" He said as Y/N clung onto him. " come on we need to get out of here" He said standing up. " Your not going anywhere" A voice said from behind him. He turned around and saw the man who took Y/N with his wand out. Remus took out his wand as Y/N backed away into the corner. " We'll see about that" Remus glared. The man shot a spell at Remus and he blocked it. Soon the duel began

after a few minutes Remus was sent flying to the wall. " No!" Y/N yelled and ran to him she was thrown back by the man as he aimed his wand at Remus's throat " Goodbye" He said with a smirk. " NO!" Y/N yelled, the man suddenly flew out of the room and into a wall and was knocked out cold. Y/N looked at him before shaking and crying again

" No no don't cry its alright you didn't mean it, you saved me though" Remus said hugging her. He picked her up and ran out of the room, he apparated outside and into the car. he set her into the backseat and sat in the front and flashed the front lights, soon everyone was in the car, moody and Remus switched seats, Y/N was asleep on Remus's lap

" Thank god we found her. " Harry said . Everyone nodded in agreement . " I think her young magic is kicking in. " Remus said. " How so?" Moody asked from the front . " She sent the man flying into a wall" Remus said. " Awesome" The twins said at the same time. " Hush you two" Mr Weasley said

When they got back Remus placed her into the bed, He lightly kissed her head and went into the sitting room. Soon after an hour he heard small footsteps running down the stairs. He looked at the doorway and Y/N was standing there with red eyes. " What's wrong darling?" He asked as Y/N ran over and sat on his lap and cuddled him. " Nightmare" She whispered. " Its alright, no one will hurt you anymore" He said. Soon both of them fell asleep on the couch.

lab experiment . harry potter remus lupin x child readerWhere stories live. Discover now