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It was after dinner and Y/N was in her room holding a book. The day was fun like Molly said, They played hide n seek and listened to music and even styled her hair whatever way she wanted it. Soon a meeting was in place. The teens were outside trying to hear what was happening while Y/N was in her room. Soon the meeting ended. " Remus can you go check on Y/N?" Mrs Weasley asked him. " Of course" He said and went to Y/N's room.

He knocked on the door even though it was open. Y/N looked up at him with a happy goofy smile making him smile. " May I come in?" He asked. Y/N nodded. He walked over. " How are you?" He asked. " G-good, a-and you?" She responded . " I'm also good, what book do you have?" He asked looking at her book. Y/N turned the book around to show the book ' Alice in wonderland'.

" That's a good book" He said. " c-can you r-read it?" She asked him. " Of course I can" He said. Y/N handed him the book and moved closer to him. Remus opened the book and started to read it. Afterwards Remus turned to her. "Y/N, can you read?" He asked her. Y/N shook her head. " That's alright, I'll teach you" He said. He got up and got a book ' Cinderella' and sat back beside her. " The best thing to do is sound it out, think you can do that?" He asked. Y/N nodded " Alright then" HE smiled and opened the book. " Start with this word" He said pointing to the first word of the book

"o-n-c-e" Y/N sounded out " Once" She said fully. " good" Remus said and pointed to the next word " U-p-o-n. Upon, a, t-i-m-e, time. Once upon a time" She smiled putting the words together. " That was wonderful! well done" Remus cheered. It went on for a while until Y/N started yawning more often

" Do you want to sleep and we can continue tomorrow?" He asked. Y/N nodded and layed down in bed, Remus put the covers over her " Goodnight Y/N" He said as he walked to the door " N-night Remus" She smiled sleepily before falling asleep

lab experiment . harry potter remus lupin x child readerWhere stories live. Discover now