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The next day Ginny and Hermione decided to bring you to the park! For the 3 of your safety Tonks went too. Y/N walked with the girls while holding Ginny's hand her now H/L swaying behind her after Mrs Weasley cut it/ styled it. As They entered the playground Y/N looked around at the kids playing. " What do you want to do first?" Ginny asked . Y/N pointed to the slide. " Alright then , lets go!" Tonks said and you all headed over to it. Y/N climbed up and sat down on the slide, she hesitated before sliding down it smiling. She giggled and ran back up the steps

after going on different equipment the girls sat on a bench. As Y/N went to go up the slide her eyes widened in fear . She saw one of the workers from the lab looking around the park outside of the playground a couple of feet away. She ran over to the girls shaking and crying in fear. " What's wrong Y/N?" Hermione asked trying to calm her down hugging her . " b-b-bad m-m-man" She sobbed clinging to Hermione's clothes . she picked Y/N up and they ran back to the house not knowing the man spotted her

As they entered the house the others rushed over hearing Y/N sobbing. " Merlin's beard what happened?" Mrs Weasley asked. " We don't know . She was fine but then ran over shaking and crying. She said something about a bad man" Ginny said. Y/N spotted Remus, she let go of Hermione and reached out to him " R-r-remus!" She sobbed

Remus softly took her out of hemione's arms and she clung onto him and started sobbing more. " Its alright darling, no one is going to hurt you" He said softly as he slightly turned left and right. She soon stopped crying and stopped shaking. " What got you so scared darling?" He asked " I-I s-saw b-b-bad man" She said making the others freeze. " I don't think she should leva anymore" Sirius said. The others nodded in agreement. Soon Remus put her to bed. " Try to get some rest" He told her and closed the door. She closed to eyes almost drifting into sleep... until she heard the floorboard creek, but the door wasn't open. A voice she knew well made her eyes widen in fear

" there you are Y/N, I was wondering where you went when you ran from home"

lab experiment . harry potter remus lupin x child readerWhere stories live. Discover now