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Y/N moved backwards on the bed shaking in fear as he walked towards her " My have you changed" He said with a smirk. She got off the bed and ran towards the door but he got there first, he held his wand in her hand " Now. Time to go home" He said . Her breathing became heavy as tears fell from her face . "HELP!" She screamed in fear . She heard footprints fast approaching . The man grabbed her arm and moved away from the door knowing it would burst open. She got out of his grip but he quickly grabbed her again right when the door burst open. Remus was standing there with Sirius, Molly Mad eye and the others behind them. Their eyes widened as they saw the man. The man smirked as Y/N shook and cried in fear. " expelliamus!" Sirius said aiming the spell at his wand. " Protengo!" the man blocked the spell

" I'll be taking my daughter and leaving now. " Don't you dare!" Molly said. The man quickly raised his wand ready to apparate. , Y/N reached her hand out to the others " Remus!" She cried in fear. Remus ran forwards and reached for her hand but before he could grab her they disappeared. " No!" He said in shock as he stood there. " We'll find her Remus don't worry." Mad eye said. The others left to make a plan as Remus stayed in the room

he went over to the bed and sat down on the bed and put his head in his hands. He sighed and looked to the side as a tear fell from his face as he saw her doll. He picked it up and held it close to him " I'll get you back.. I promise " He said

back at the lab

Y/N was thrown into her room. " NO!" She cried as she tried to run back out but they closed the door. She started to bang on the door " HERMIONE. GINNY . SIRIUS , MOLLY .. REMUS HELP ME" She screamed. " Don't call for them dear, they never liked you. The took you in out of pity" Her father said from the other side of the door. She slid down the floor and broke into tears. " P-please save me Remus" She whispered

lab experiment . harry potter remus lupin x child readerWhere stories live. Discover now