chapter 9: choosing life

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Edward POV

It's been three weeks since I got the news I was pregnant. I've been showing more and more every day, and every day I'm more and more desperate.

I have to end this...

I have a monster growing inside of me! A Valeska! A giggling freak!

That settles it...

The next day I park my car outside the clinic. They haven't opened yet today. No one will find out.

...or so I thought.

"Ed! Ed, wait!" Oswald's pleading voice yells after me.

"It's my decision, Oswald! You don't have a say..."

"Ed, please! That baby will be so beautiful! Jeremiah is the way he is because of his upbringing, we can give this baby so much better! EDWARD! THIS WILL BE THE COLD BLOODED MURDER OF SOMEONE YOU LOVE! you can't kill your baby, can't..."

I pointedly ignore him, walking on in despite Oswald breaking down outside, Ivy beside him.

"Okay, Edward. We just have to do a sonogram to confirm gestational age and decide what procedure would be best." The nurse says to me, setting up an ultrasound. I lay there on the exam table, trying desperately to stem my tears.

I'm hurting Oswald...

"Well, well. 4 months. "

I peek at the screen, only to see the most perfect thing in the world.

My baby.

"Just gonna check the heartbeat to be sure no miscarriage has taken place."

She turns on the sound, and I break down more.



"Stop, I can't do this! Oswald's right, I can't kill my baby..." I blubber out.

"Do you realize that you are at high risk for complications? You could die."

"I'll face the fucking consequences!" I hiss at her, storming out. I walk out the door and frantically look for Oswald.

Oswald's red bloodshot eyes meet mine, and he continues crying. I walk to the fence, and he looks ready to run, attack or cry. I sigh deeply, trying to hold back my regretful tears. I gently take his hand and place it on my abdomen.

"You were right..." I whisper shakily, letting my tears fall.

"Did you let them kill it?" He says shakily.

"No...I couldn't. I'd never put you through that..."

His bright green eyes fly up to mine, and he gasps sharply.

"I knew you wouldn't do it..." He says sweetly, smiling widely.

I walk to Oswald's limo and climb in the back. Ivy is riding back with Zsasz in my car.

"I love you..." Oswald says sweetly, caressing my belly.

"Did you hear that? Daddy loves you." He adds. I smile at my hilarious boyfriend, unable to believe he's real.

"Ivy and Harley took out Joker. Threw him to the man eating Venus flytrap thingy in Ivy's magic garden. Under my orders, of course."

"Thank you, Ozzie. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Don't thank me, Edward. Love is sacrifice."

I smile at him weakly.

"I'm at higher risk for complications. What if it dies, what if it's born with a defect or something, what if--"

"Shh, Ed. The only question you should be asking yourself is...."

Oswald smiles widely at me.

"What color shall we paint the nursery?"

The end! Thanks for reading!

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