Slow down

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Their little baby girl grew so fast. Like in the blink of an eye she was walking down that aisle marrying the love of her life. Oswald walked her down the aisle, wiping away a few stray tears as he did so. They both could remember every single big milestone in her life just that much more clearly now than before.

"You're just adorable, you know that? Mommy loves you..." Ed said, sitting beside Jeremayahs highchair.

"Mama." She blurted out.

Ed froze in shock.

*Did his baby girl just talk?*

"Me?" Ed asked disbelievingly.

"Mama!" She said again, and Ed shot out of the kitchen to tell Oswald so fast he nearly forgot to get her.

"Ozzie! Ozzie!"


"She said Mama!" Ed gasped out, holding their little girl in his arms.

Oswald gaped at him in disbelief, but it quickly turned into a smile.

"Did she really?!" He said shakily, walking over to Edward.

"She did, she said Mama!"

"Ozzie! Get in here! Mayah's walking!"

"What? Hang on, I'll grab the camera!"

"I have mine, just get in here!"

Sure enough, their little princess was walking around. She walked right over to Oswald, and Oswald had never been that happy in his entire life. Ed's smile was huge, showcasing those beautiful teeth of his.

"I can't believe it's your first day of school, Mayah. You're so big now..." Oswald sniffed, standing there with his little girl as she was about to leave for school for the very first time. They drove her there because they were all afraid of the bus.

Mayah turned to leave, but stopped and ran over to Edward, hugging his legs tight.

"I love you mommy..." She said sweetly. Ed crouched down and hugged his baby girl properly. He shed a couple tears before she let go, and then she walked into the school with the teacher, Ms Britton.

And then the tears fell. Oswald led Edward back to the car, driving them home.

"I can't believe she's going to prom. I-- she's still a baby to me..." Oswald said wistfully, sitting on the couch with Ed.

A few moments later, the doorbell rang and Oswald and Edward were quick to answer it. There stood Jeremayahs prom date, Joseph Daniels. The awkward looking nerd fidgeted nervously, obviously scared of mayahs villain parents.

"Hi, um...I'm here for Jeremayah. I'm her prom date." The teen stammers awkwardly. 

Oswald gives the boy a small smile, but leaves it unnoticed. Joe walks in to the mansion and stands against the wall.

A few moments later, Jeremayah walked down the stairs in the beautiful purple and green silk dress she picked out. Joe smiled nervously, blushing a little. Jeremayah smiles and walks over to her parents, giving both of them a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you both so much. Bye, Mommy. I won't be out too late, Daddy." She said sweetly. Oswald snapped a photo of her and Joe before they left, and he treasures that picture.

And now, present day, she was 23 and marrying her highschool sweetheart Joseph Daniels.

"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to join Jeremayah Nygma-Cobblepot and Joseph Daniels in marriage. If anyone here had any reason why these two should not wed, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Oswald and Edward were so overwhelmed by the event they didn't even hear the vows, but they teared up anyway.

"By the power vested in me by the great city of gotham, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

With that, Joe and Jeremayah kissed, and all the guests clapped loudly.

About a year later, Jeremayah had her own little miracle, a boy named Edward Oswald Joseph Daniels Jr.

Her little angel, her little miracle.

And now she understands why her parents told her to slow down.

That's all! Big thanks to MarieGroot for being a great friend and Oswald lover. We all love the king of gotham!!!

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