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JJ had dragged Blair or better yet carried her whilst Kiara and Pope to an old garage or something, it was full of trash and old bits and pieces

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JJ had dragged Blair or better yet carried her whilst Kiara and Pope to an old garage or something, it was full of trash and old bits and pieces. They all went angry at seeing the plane full of their gold fly over head.

"There goes the gold." Pope almost growled but Blair  didn't care about the gold, not now. Ward was now responsible for the death of her mother and his son the death of her adopted mother, almost adopted mother.


"Fuck!" JJ and Pope yelled whilst kicking and knocking things down in anger.

"Pope!" Kiara and Blair yelled trying to calm him down.

"God damn it!" He screamed things and hitting them with a pole. "Shit! Fuck!" Pope kept screaming and destroying things in anger as he panted. Blair flinching very time there was a loud noise, on high alert.

"Yo dude I was wondering when this was going to happen." JJ said approaching him. "Here you go chief." He said offering him a joint. Blair stopped listening and fell to the ground in a slump. Sitting on the dirty floor she pulled her phone out her back pocket and opened it on the text she had sent peterkin.


She never even got to read it. Blairs heart sunk, she never knew how much Blair loved her, she never knew that Blair wanted her to be her mom, she never knew Blair wanted to live with her, she never got to say goodbye. Blair was full of anger. She was going to make the Camerons pay. She wanted to kill him, she wanted to kill ward for killing rose, she wanted to make him suffer, watch the life drain from his eyes. And Rafe, she wanted to watch him die, slowly and painfully, seeing her face as the life was sucked from him. Then she saw it. A Small pistol hidden underneath some trash. She leaned forward and picked it up praying it had some ammunition. Her anger escalated when it broke when she pulled it back to check the cartridge and she threw it away as hard as she could with a scream. "Im fucking done!" She screamed and fell back down. "Im done, im done, im done!" She screamed and screamed until she turned when Pope spoke up.

"I lost my scholarship, walked out in the middle of the interview. Its gone. Its not gonna happen."

"You did that for us?" Blair asked him, her voice hoarse. Looking at him from the mop of hair that fell over her grimy, tear ridden face.

"No, not for us. For nothing." He said getting up to her face. He stood tall looking down at the girl rather aggressively and high on heightened emotions and pain she stood up to him. "I lost EVERYTHING Pope! I lost my mom and then the woman who took her place! I watched the woman I called a mother dying in front of me and I did nothing! Nothing but fucking watch! I lost the chance to meet my brothers dad! I didn't even get to say goodbye to any of them! I was thrown out my house! And everyone I've loved has been murdered! So don't talk to me like you lost everything! Because I did and what for? A close call! For NOTHING!" She screamed stepping closer and jabbing her finger in Pope's chest.

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