Chapter 3: First Sight

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It was too dark in the room, but as I got closer, I could see that her eyes were intense. I couldn't look away. She gave me the impression that she would not fall easily into my arms, like all those other girls would. And, just like that, I was glad that I came to this party.

My friends had urged me to attend their back-to-school soiree even though I did not care much for parties. They kept insisting, and I thought why not? I really hadn't hung out with them very much last year--my senior year. I had been too busy trying to finish up my classes with the best possible grades. I was starting my master's studies now and deserved a night of fun. And if it wasn't fun, at least there would be plenty of food and liquor.

The party was being hosted by all of them but was being held at the apartment shared by Taehyung and Jimin. My own apartment was in the same complex, and I had actually recommended this place to Taehyung. The three of us could be considered neighbors. My other friends Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi rented a house a few minutes away from us, but they had a fourth roommate who was very much against parties. He was a Mormon or something and also very critical of me. Apparently he was outraged that I spent my nights with many girls. That was untrue. I never spent the night with more than one girl at a time. So there.

The guys had not invited many people, so it wasn't too crowded. I know that they expected me to hook up with one of the girls they had picked out for me. Namjoon told me that all of the girls were dying to meet me. Whatever. There's nothing they can do for me that hasn't already been done by someone else—good or bad. I was never quite comfortable as the target of their admiration. One of them—I didn't bother to learn her name—sat on my lap and talked excitedly about how much she wanted to hang out with me. I'm sure she wanted to do other things as well. I tolerated her chatter only until I had to get up to get another drink. Then I made sure to talk to others so that she'd know I was not interested. None of these girls interested me. I hated the role I had to play at these functions: handsome, confident man of the world. I was anything but!

I had learned long ago that I couldn't be myself around women. If I was too nice, they would take advantage of me. If I was too shy, they in turn became too aggressive. So, after a while, I learned to act confident and make little jokes and flirtatious comments. Girls really loved that type of personality. I don't know how much my looks played into that. It might sound incredibly conceited, but my face has actually been more of a hindrance than a help. Sure, I could probably get any girl I wanted, but it made it difficult to find a girl I could love. If there was even such a thing. As the saying goes, I stopped looking for Miss Right and just settled for Miss Right Now.

Then I spotted the pretty girl standing in the foyer with Namjoon. Miss Right Now indeed. Namjoon certainly thought so. I laughed to myself and was about to turn away, but something about her intrigued me. I looked again trying to figure out what it was. Even at this distance in the dark, I could tell she was beautiful and had a  great body, which was nicely showcased in that dress she was wearing. Not that the other girls weren't pretty or wearing sexy dresses, but—I guess that was it. She was not making those stupid eyes that girls make at boys because they think it makes them look sexy. She was talking to Namjoon without being flirtatious. Her posture and mannerisms indicated that she was not like some of the other girls who only came here hoping to hook up with someone. Poor Joonie! I'm sure he was trying his hardest to make an impression.

Then Jimin got up from the couch, pretending he wasn't making the moves on the barely-dressed floozy who was sitting next to him. "Bella!" he exclaimed and rushed toward the girl. What a lovely and fitting name! I watched as Jimin gushed over her, trying to put his hands on her. I smiled when I saw how she was trying to squirm out of his reach. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the floozy get up from the couch and walk away angrily, probably because she knew that Jimin had left her for a much prettier—and classier—girl. It seemed that Jimin was being possessive over her, but she was not happy about it.

That's when I asked Jimin to introduce her. I saw the way his shoulders tensed up when he realized it was me who asked. Then he made it clear that she was with him although the look on her face suggested otherwise. I don't know why, but I really wanted to talk to her. I wanted to know if there was something to her besides her face and body, and I was willing to step out of my comfort zone to do it.

With a mental apology to Jimin, I walked toward her until I could see her clearly. I told her she would be better off with me. My heart was racing with doubt even as I pretended to be suave. She might laugh at my audacity or slap me. Would she see through my act?

Now I was standing in front of her. For a moment I was afraid that she would scoff at my introduction and expose me for the fraud that I was. My cool and confident exterior was nothing but my armor. A rejection from her would certainly leave a dent. I only hoped it wouldn't draw blood. I studied her face, searching for any sign of disdain or disgust. But the expression on her face revealed that she was not repelled by me. Quite the contrary.  

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