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Lolli watched the older girl storm out the room. Lolli knew that this would be one of the last times that she would see Crystal if she didn't act. Her parents were going to take her to be a princess, right? Then she would just have to come with her.

Lolli waited until no adults were looking before walking out the cafeteria. Then, she left the school completely." I hope I don't get in trouble for this. But I won't be staying here for much longer!" Lolli said to herself as she walked home. She entered her small home and began packing her bag with water bottles and candies. She didn't want to get hungry during this journey. Then, she took a quick nap before walking back to school.

Luckily, Crystal's parents decided not to pick her up early from school. Lolli had a few minutes to herself before the students of her came pouring out the doors. She spotted Crystal being picked up by the man from early in the school year. She began to trail them a small distance away.

"Daddy, why aren't we driving?" Crystal asked the man," What are you looking for?"
The man had stopped walking for a moment before continuing." No reason, really. It's just that where we are going, there is no use for cars. We should get used to moving our legs before the big move!" Crystal huffed, but took the odd explanation.

After a couple more minutes of walking, the small group arrived at a house. It was much larger than Lolli's home. However, it was by no means a mansion or very large. Lolli slowly closed the distance between herself and Crystal to watch from the window. Inside, she saw multiple boxes stacked on top of each other. Crystal and her father enter the room, both holding pendants that Lolli never realized they wore. Crystal frowned down at the piece of jewelry." You're telling me that this rock is a key?" She asked.
"It's less a key and more of a gateway," her father answered," I will now request for our men to get these boxes for us." Crystal's father first squeezed the pendant before outlining a large oval with his fingertip. Crystal glared at the spot, disappointed." I cannot believe that you have suddenly contracted de-" Crystal stopped suddenly, her jaw dropping. After a few seconds, the area the man had traced became a new room. Crystal walked past the image, noticing it didn't exist on the opposite side. As she walked back to the front, she saw another person staring back at her. The new person gasped before getting down onto his knees." Princess Crystal, your personal image gives my life meaning. Thank you for gracing me with your presence," he said.
"Get up."
"Yes, of course, your-"
"No, don't finish that! This is insane!"
"Your majesty-"
"I mean sure, I believe it now! But what the hell am I supposed to do with this information? I'm supposed to be texting my friends right now!"
"You can contemplate your life later. Boy, get a group and start moving our items!" Crystal's father interrupted.
"Of course, your majesty!"

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