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Just like the previous night, Iowa came to visit Lolli by crawling through the window. Iowa waited a few moments before realizing the small girl had already fallen asleep with a plush in her arms. Iowa gave in and shook her awake. "Oh, hi Iowa!" Lolli said. Iowa hushed her." You changed your clothes!" Though Iowa was practically naked when they first met, Iowa had changed their outfit. Now they were wearing an oversized fur coat over their bandages. She could see the upper half of Iowa's face now, too. They had much darker skin than Lolli that was tinted purple by their eyelids. Iowa looked tired. "So, do you have any information for me?" Iowa asked as they took a seat next to Lolli.
"Not really! I was looking for Miss Maxwell. She got hurt and I-"
"She's fine," Iowa interrupted.
"How would you know that? You don't live or work here!"
"Yes, but I do know decapitating her doesn't leave her dead." Lolli blinked.
"That's an odd example, Iowa."
"So you have nothing else to tell me?" Lolli shook her head. Iowa made their way back to window. Then Lolli remembered something." Wait, I found out that the King and Queen can heal people! Or something like that!"
"Let me guess, it's to punish demons, right?"
"Yeah, that's right!" Iowa sat on the window frame with their hands under their chin.
"Okay, I have a mission for you. You find out if the princess can use magic. And if she can, let's invite her for a sleepover," Iowa said after a moment of silence.
"Will you be sleeping with us?" Iowa shook their head.
"But I will be coming back. So bring the princess as soon as you can." Then, Iowa jumped out the window. A small thud followed.

The next day, Lolli woke up ready to follow Iowa's wishes. She took her seat next to Crystal at the table. While she waited to serve breakfast, she wished Crystal to have a good morning." I guess I woke up okay. I'm super tired though," Crystal told Lolli.
"Why are you so sleepy?"
"Daddy has been trying to awaken a power in me. But that witch has been busy taking care of a plant for some reason. The whole thing is just super tiring," Crystal ended with a huff.
"Maybe a sleepover will make you less sleepy!" Lolli suggested. Crystal narrowed her eyes at the girl." No, I'm pretty sure that would make me even more tired. But hey, what the hell. If your bed is as big as mine, we can both sleep on it." Lolli cheered and hugged Crystal.
"It'll be so much fun! I'll go get us snacks!"
"That's going to be a long time from now, but sure."

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