Ch 2:5

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Meanwhile, Jasmine made her way to the exit of the castle. She picked up the potted plant she was often seen with recently from a nearby windowsill. As she walked, she waved to any workers who happened to be in the mood for it. After a short walk, Jasmine found herself in front of her potion shop. She walked into the back room and set the potted plant down. The human-shaped plant's "head" followed Jasmine search the many shelves. Jasmine set a vial and bottle next to the pot. She poured the contents of each on the small plant's head.

The plant began shaking and tipped over the pot. The plant seemed to have been pulling itself out of the dirt it was placed in. But as it did so, it was clearly growing. Cracks formed on the clay pot while the plant found itself on the floor. It's roots shriveled up at the rest of the plant gained a pale flesh tone. It continued to grow and shape itself into an adult woman about the height of Jasmine.

Jasmine helped the newly grown woman to her feet. The plant's eyes remained focused on her, but it said nothing." You can hear me, right Maxie? Did I mess the potion up?" Jasmine asked. After a moment of silence, the plant woman coughed." No, you didn't. I just need to reprocess the information you gave to me all at once. Sadly, I am having difficulty doing so," she said.
"You figure that out, Maxie! I'll go get you some clothes!"

Jasmine hadn't thought of the fact people aren't born with clothes on. She lived back at the castle and her potion shop was more of a hobby. However, Jasmine decided to use one of her potions to shave time off the trip. She took another bottle off her shelves, emptied it's contents down her throat, and ran into the road.

In thirty seconds, she made the trip that would take 20 minutes. Jasmine handed the white uniform to Maxwell, who quickly put them on." I see you actually returned my clothes to me. Good, I wouldn't be caught dead in that terrible dress," Maxwell told Jasmine.
"You say that, but then you'd have to be naked instead!"
"I suppose I would."
Jasmine shrugged off Maxwell's glare and walked into the other room of the shop. She flipped over the sign indicating whether or not the store was open then sat behind the counter. Maxwell stood in front of her.
"What? Do you have anything else you'd like to tell me? Like, maybe, why and how you're a plant?" Jasmine asked.
"I suppose someone like me is completely unheard of."
"It sounds like it goes against your idea that magic isn't real."
"I am also," Maxwell paused," confused about my origins."
"Do you not have a mother or father?"
"I have a father. But he isn't biologically. He simply raised me from a sprout."
"And how long have you been doing this since then?"
"Hundreds of years."
"Then, I guess your father's dead."
"No, he's very much alive."

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