1: An Attack

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I was running around, laughing as my older brother chased me playfully. Where we lived a blanket of snow had covered as far as the eye can see, and I could see pretty far. I've always had an amazing sight that I could see further than most people, and being only 2 years old. 

I continued to run, being a bit difficult since I was still quite young, and the snow was pushing against my small legs. So it didn't take much for my brother, who was 11 years older than me, to catch me and start tickling me. I squealed with glee as his fingers traced my ticklish spots.

An hour had past and the sun was slowly setting behind the mountains in the distant. My mother called us both to come inside since dinner was ready. My brother picked me up when he saw how tired I was from playing. But as soon as he held me in his arms I was fast asleep. He patted my (H/c) hair as he pushed against the pure white blanket of snow to get to the door.

Time Skip

I had woken up to the sound of my mother's screams. I had been wrapped up in a blanket laying on my bed. The next thing I had heard was my brother yelling for help, and I soon came to the realization I couldn't hear my mother anymore. Tears had begun to roll down my face. Both my mother and brother must be in so much pain if they were screaming this loud. Crawling to a hiding spot, the only noise I could hear now was the sound of slurping and chewing from outside my room.

I had begun to sobbed silently, scared for my family. Then it took me a second to notice that the eating had stopped and footsteps were heard outside my room coming closer and closer. My eyes were shut so tight that I was beginning to give myself a headache. The sliding door to my room got ripped off its frame and thrown making a loud 'Bang.' Which caused me to squeak out of shock.

I was hiding underneath a low table that was in my room, and I could see this creature that had entered your room clearly. It had skin the colour of mould, and clothes that looked to be shredded and red-stained.

The creature looked around, and without meaning too, we made eye contact. Its face scared me, it was covered completely in blood that that would drip onto the wooden floor, and with two bulgings, bloodshot eyes staring hungrily at me.

This creature screeched then came charging full speed towards me. I, myself screamed and ran to the small, low window. The creature had extremely sharp nails which looked more like claws. These claws slashed at me as I leapt out the window. The creature couldn't seem to fit through it, which gave me a chance to run and find help.

As I ran I felt a sharp pain in my side which caused me to cry further, but I just held it where it hurt with your arm and continued to run as fast as I could. When my father was still with me, he taught me to always stay calm even in life-threatening situations like this.

As I ran I heard the screech of the monster behind me. Which caused me to jump out of fear and shock. My first reaction was to turn around. But that was a terrible idea since the creature jumped onto me, causing me to drop to the ground under its weight. 

It had its mouth wide open revealing a whole 2 rows of fangs and really sharp teeth, its putrid breath filling my nostrils. I screamed as loud as you could as its mouth approached my head that could easily fit in its mouth.

But instead of my head been bitten off, blood from the monster dripped onto my bare forehead. I looked up at the monster, its head was cut clean off. As soon as the rest of its body fell to the side, I scrambled from underneath it. Then I notice its head and body beginning to turn into ashes. I was mildly confused, but a sigh was heard from behind me, and I twirled around to see who it was. It was a woman with a sword at her waist.

She had black hair with faded blue tips, her eyes being a lime green colour. She got down on one knee so she was closer to my height but I was quite small for my age. "Are you alright?" Even her voice sounded calm. I look up at her with my big (e/c) eyes. I nodded after a while with tears already streaming down my cheeks. Then hugged her sobbing into her chest. The woman just looked down at me sadly.

That day that changed my life. The lady had taken me to an orphanage in the town that was at the foot of the mountain. It was a fairly small village, but it was constantly active. When one day, I asked the lady that ran the orphanage about the woman that rescued me, she said to ask the man who lives in the on the South-East side of the mountain.

So when I had turned 6, I asked the lady to take me to the man so I could meet him. He lived alone in a one-room cabin, made of dark oak wood logs. At first, the man was slightly unwelcoming at the sight of visitors. But once the lady, told him about how I was rescued from, something called: a Demon. The man instantly welcomed me in and often me food and a warm drink. I politely asked for the hot drink and listened to the man with eager curiosity.

"Is it ok if I ask you some questions (L/n)?" He asked. "My name (Y/n)," I muttered out as I finished my sip of hot tea. "So you want me to call you (Y/n)?" He raised an eyebrow. While I just nodded my head. "Plwses." The word 'please' always seems to come out wrong whenever I tried to say it. 

The man chuckled loudly. "Very well then. (Y/n) do you remember how you were attacked?" At that moment I wanted to cry. Remembering that day was so painful for me and being at such a young age. But in the end, I told him everything I could remember. The man listened to every word intensely.

After I had told him everything he asked: "So what happened to your hip when it was hurting?" I looked up at him the same way I looked at, now confirmed, an old Pillar in an organisation called: the Demon Slayer Corps. I then nodded as if saying the man was trustworthy. I had to pull up my Haori, which was the colour of wild blackberries with a white flower pattern covering it and a Kimono silver, slightly to show a scar in the shape of a claw mark.

The man inched closer to examine it. "So the Demon slashed at you when you jumped out the window?" I just nodded my head shakily as I remembered the pain it caused to my fragile body. "I don't like demons," I said. "No one I have ever met has." The man said with a long sigh.

"I want to be a Demon Slayer too!" I was willing to do anything to avenge my dead family now that I understood there was a way that I could. The man just chuckled at my statement. "Maybe one day you will become one." He patted my head softly just as my brother use too. It was bitter-sweet. I loved to be petted, but it only reminds me of my brother.

But I smiled anyway so I didn't make him feel bad. Soon afterwards I and the lady began heading back to the village. I rode in a cart that was being pulled by a large brown donkey. Horses weren't common up in the mountains, but donkeys were.

Once we had arrived at the orphanage, I immediately looked for a large stick around the same size as my rescuer's sword. Once I did find a stick it was about the same size as my arm. Next, I snuck back inside and grabbed a small knife from the kitchen.

Peeled the bark so it looked more like a real sword. Then I sharpened the tip so it was sharp enough to give myself a small cut. I felt proud, the stick look a lot like a real-life sword. But once I held it, I came to realized it didn't feel very comfortable in my hands.

So for the next 10 minutes, I tried to find the right position that suited me. But in the end, every position wasn't right. I sighed in defeat. 

"Why does it feel weird when I hold it?" I looked at my wooden sword again. And at the moment an idea came to my head. I began to cut at the top until it was half it's the original size. One of the blacksmiths in the village told me about a weapon that you held against your arm with the sharp side facing out.

I had to trace my mind to remember what it was called. A dagger! Yes, that's it, it was called a dagger. As I held the now wooden dagger in the correct position and I felt my hand lay perfectly across the handle I made of old string. "It's perfect!" I cried out loud.

Then I began to look around to found another stick about the same size and did the exact same thing. In the end, I had two 'professional' looking wooden daggers.

Once again looking around I found my first target. The nearest dark oak tree. As soon as I held both daggers in my hands comfortably, I charge full speed at that one tree, which wasn't very fast. I ran past it, but as I did I sliced it with the dagger, leaving a mark. Looking at what I had achieved with great pride. But soon after I heard something in the bushes next to me.

Spinning on my heels towards the bush. "Wait! Wait!" A boy with red-brown hair and crimson eyes stepped out the bush. "I mean you no harm!" He cried putting his hands up defensively. I lowered the daggers and looked at the boy with great curiosity.

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