funnel cakes and falling buildings (edited)

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I don't own this song or this video. start song when I say so

 " What Lilly bear" I smile at the nickname. I look at Peter "funnel cake!"

"Funnel cake?! Where?" peter looks around excitedly "I don't know. Come on we're going funnel hunting!" "ok huntress" Peter mockingly salutes.I shake my head "come on dork." i say grabbing his had pulling us through the crowded sidewalk.

 It takes some time but we finally find our 'prey',  but we end up only buying one because it's cheaper. we find a bench to sit and eat on. 

" hey Pete wanna listen to some music while we eat a slice of heaven?"i say after a moment of silence as I pull out my laptop once more "sure," he says with a shrug "what were you thinking" "Verge"a small smile crosses my face as i mention my current favorite song "what?" I grab my earbuds out of my bag and hand one end to Peter "here." he puts the bud in his ear and I start the song.

(A/n: start the song now.     Italicized=just the music bold= Lilly Underlined= Peter )

I ain't too sure what I believe in

But I believe in what I see

And when I close my eyes

I see my whole life ahead of me

I close my eyes and start singing blocking out the rest of the world in the process

These are our hours (These are our hours)

This is our time (This is our time)

This is our time

These are our hours (These are our hours)

Out on the verge (Out on the verge)

Out on the verge of the rest of our lives (The rest of our lives)

Out on the verge of the rest of our lives tonight

I Start dancing (aka waving my arms around)

Top of the world and we're dressed to the nines tonight

Edge of the earth and we're touching the sky tonight

Out on the verge of the rest of our lives

I open my eyes to see Peter looking at me with a big dopy grin on his face I smile back and grab some powdered sugar and place it on his nose. We both laugh

These are our hours (These are our hours)

Peter starts singing 

This is our time (This is our time)

These are our hours (These are our hours)

Out on the verge

Out on the verge

Out on the verge of the rest of our lives

Out on the verge of the rest of our lives tonight

Top of the world and we're dressed to the nines tonight

Edge of the earth and we're touching the sky tonight

Out on the verge of the rest of our lives

We get lost in the music

From now on

There's no looking back

Full steam ahead

Mabey that's why we didn't notice ironman flying to his tower...

On this one way track

From this day forward

I will make a promise

To be true to myself

And always be honest

...or the portal in the sky...

For the rest of my life

I will do what's right

...or the aliens...

I will do what's right

When I step out on the

Out on the verge of the rest of our lives tonight

...Or the heros

Top of the world and we're dressed to the nines tonight

Edge of the earth and we're touching the sky tonight

Out on the verge of the rest of our lives (The rest of our lives)

The rest of our lives

Edge of the earth and we're touching the sky tonight

Out on the verge of the rest of our liv-BOOM!

We both come out of our utopias to an alien attack on New York. Peter grabs my hand and we start running dodging debris "Of course the world decides it's going to end the moment we start having fun" i joke  " we about to die and your cracking jokes. really!?!"he criticizes as we round another corner  " what can I say I joke when I'm stressed" I huff already out of breath

" uuh Pete where are we going" I ask realizing neither of us have any idea where the f#ck we are " away from here" he stats panic seeping into his voice as we watch half a building crumble not even a block away. we start running again still hand in hand. We turn another corner at top speed. I look over at peter I can tell he's tired from running all over the city. He and I both now have too many cuts and bruises to count. 

Suddenly I trip over something on the ground. The first thing I notice is that my right ankle hurts like hell " Lilith!" he used my full name "Are you ok!" Peter says sounding as stressed as he looked. " yea Pete I'm ok" I'll let him know about my ankle later. I run slower hoping peter wouldn't notice, but over course he did. " are you sure" "yea I'll be fine besides there's a group of paramedics" I point to the end of the street where there was indeed some paramedics."Let's go then," Peter says knowing full well I'd take the phrase 'fake it till ya make it' quite literately and wouldn't give him the truth till were both to safety.

 We're so close. Then the ground shakes a lot. I look up and see that the building next to us is falling toward us. For the first time since leaving that bench, i drop peters had knowing full well that he can run faster than I can. he doesn't have time to object.

 Might as well have called him Bullseye cuz he ran like the wind. i ran slower due to my ankle though and I trip again. curse my clumsy ass. Peter kept running thinking i was still behind him. I try but I can' get up. so I watch with a smile as my best friend makes it to safety. The the last thing I remember is Peter calling out my name as the building hits me and I blackout and am presumed dead.        

A/n: hi kiddos it's been i hot sec hasn't it well I'm back (hopefully for good) and this chapter by far was and still to this day is my favorite chapter i have ever written. it's not even that good but i still like it for some reason. anywho ily guys byeeeee

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