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I watch as the building falls in horror. Everything is in slow motion "PETER!!!!" I yell my best friend's name. He just looks at me and smiles that smile he knows I love so much. Crash the building makes contact with the ground crushing Peter Parker in the process. My best friend dead.

"NO!!" I jolt awake. I look at my phone. The time 2:35. 3 hours new record. 'Yay me' i think why can't I have normal nightmares like being chased or falling or teeth falling out. Ugh, nope my brain decided it's a great idea to show me what would have happened if Peter had sprained his ankle instead of me, or mabey it's trying to make me feel guilty for not telling him I'm alive, but Tony would never agree to that. I mean legally I died in that battle with my mother. So only a select few know of my existence. Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Pepper Potts, James Rhodes or Rhodey know. I pretty sure Nick Fury knows...that man knows everything.

I get up out of bed and walk to my bathroom to clean my self up.

I finish and put my hair in a messy bun. I walk downstairs to the lounge to get a glass of water and maybe some Cheeze-Its when I notice that the light to dad's lab is still on. I sigh "J when was the last time dad slept" "about 72 hours ago " "Good lord" I mumble to myself self " what am I going to do with you Tony Stark"

 I walk downstairs. Even though I won't ever mention it, especially since Tony isn't sleeping, I love watching him work. His focus and determination, The amazing things he can create when he puts his mind to it, it's beautiful. The lab is my favorite place in the whole mansion, also watching him yell at DUM-E is always fun. 

I sneak into the lab to watch him "... DUM-E. Hi, DUM-E ." I hear my father's voice say as I squeeze into my hiding spot. " how'd you get that cap on your head" sure enough the robotic arm was wearing a conned shaped hat that read dunce. I giggle behind my hand 

" you earned it" god knows what that poor robot did. " what are you doing out of your corner? You know what you did. Blood on my mat. handle it" blood?... why... what are you up to Mr.Stark? He starts messing with the camera " focus up, ladies. Good evening and welcome to the birthing suite. I am pleased to announce the imminent arrival of your bouncing, bad-ass, baby brother." I roll my eyes at his dramatics "Mark 42." well someone's been busy. 42 suits damn "Autonomous prehensile propulsion suit test" he did not. "initialize sequence" Oh my god he did. " JARVIS drop my needle" Funky Christmas starts playing and Tony starts dancing. He motions toward a table where the pieces of the new suit are. Nothing happens. He motions again. Again nothing. "Crap" he bites his forearm and smacked it. He motions a third time. Finally it starts working. His left gauntlet flies to his hand along with the rest of the arm. He motions for his right gauntlet like the others, it flies to his hand. He laughs "alright, I think we got this. Sent them all" "oh boy" I mumble. the right leg lands just like the others .the next two sections don't go as smoothly though. The first smash into the protective glass around one of the older suits the other into a light. " probably a little fast. Slow it down. Slow it down just a.." he dodges another section of armor "... a little bit" the next one breaks a pipe. The suit starts taking shape after that. The back to the suit hits him hard "oof"i whisper  "cool it will ya JARVIS!" he exclaims I giggle. The rest of the suit finds it's way to my father's body. Except for two pieces the faceplate and the piece that was still logged in the glass. He looks over at the faceplate "Come on. I ain't of you." he flips into a hero pose to catch it. "I'm the best" I roll my eyes. The last part of the suit hits him and nocks the rest of the suit off his body. 

It takes all my strength not to burst out laughing. " As always, sir, a pleasure watching you work." that does it for me I start laughing hard, so I don't notice him walking over to where I'm hiding "what are you doing up missy" I jump. "Uh watching Jarvis throw stuff at you" i smirk. He glares at me and I laugh " that's what you get for staying up for 72 hours straight" " how-" " you aren't the only one who talks to J" I stand up "thanks for the show Tony but i-" " how long have you been up pumpkin" " N-not long" " Lilly Bear" he says sternly. "I few hours" I mumble "Lillian!" " "Tony I'm fine really " "no your not" "says the guy who just stayed up for 72 hours tinkering!" he pauses " you get Nightmares? don't you" he asks "how-" "I get them just handle them  much better than I do" 

I slump down onto the steps "I wouldn't say screaming you old best friends name and crying for 36 minutes straight is better, but ok" I mumble " what!?!" "at least you're being productive," I say in a clearer voice and gesture around the room." this? this isn't productivity no it's me trying to cope with the reality that we're not alone. i mean gods, aliens, other demintions. i-i'm just a man in a can" he says sitting next to me "you are not just a man in a can Tony. you are one of, if not the, smartest person on the planet. I mean you, after weeks of torcher, made something, that some of your smartest scientists with all the resources in the world couldn't make, with a box of scraps. and then you rediscovered a new element. and your one of 6 in a group dubbed 'earth's mightiest heroes', need I go on." " please do" he says with a smirk.i roll my eyes "no need to make your ego to big" he fake pouts. after a few moments of silence he says " you wanna talk about them. The nightmares" " what is there to talk about" i mumble" whatever you want" " ok dr. stark" 

we both laugh tiredly "well it's usually the same. I'm under the building again with Pete and this time I make it out I go to celebrate with himto find that he fell in the exact way I had then Everything is in slow motion "I yell my his name. He just looks at me and smiles."  tears start to blur my vision"and then boom! the b-building makes contact with the ground crushing h-him in the process. I-I watch my best friend d-die each night. But I endure i-it because, because knowing him he's dealing with worse. A-At least I can wake up and say 'it was all a dream he's alive I'm alive we're both fine' but h-he really thinks I-I'm dead and knowing Petey he blames h-himself. And I feel like I-I'm betraying him as a best friend. Like I know I can't tell him for safety reasons but still. I miss him Tony. I miss him so much" Tony holds me like he did when I first met him. I relax into his touch. "Pumpkin?" " yea T" sweetheart if you have another nightmare come find me ok? I'll stop whatever I'm working on to spend time with you.   even you come down here just to ask for a hug, ok"  he starts stroking my hair  "Ok" i manage to sniffle out 

"I love you, you know that right"

 "Yea, I know" 

 "and, if your lucky you can help me with my suits" he jokes "Really?" " No. now what do you want to do" "can we watch a movie?" " sure now go turn the tv on while I clean up my mess" I jog up the stairs with a small smile on my face. I grab some Cheeze-Its and sit down on the couch and turn the TV on but instead of the normal home screen something else appeared.

 I grab some Cheeze-Its and sit down on the couch and turn the TV on but instead of the normal home screen something else appeared

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