the cherry on top of my stress sundae

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 "Um, Tony!" I call downstairs "you might wanna take a look at this," I say as he climbs the stairs " what-" he cuts himself short when he sees the tv. he tenses up.

"aren't those the guys who-" " kidnapped me. Yea they are" we both move to sit down eyes not leaving the tv.

A man appears on the screen "Some people call me a terrorist" gunshots can be heard in the background "I consider myself a teacher. America. Ready for another lesson." 

"Great, another mad man." I joke 

"yep the cherry on top of my stress sundae" 

I laugh a little. " America.

Ready for another lesson?

"In 1864 in Sand Creek Colorado the U.S. military waited till the friendly Cheyenne braves all gone hunting," the man continues " waited to attack and slaughter their families left behind, and claim their land."

"Thirty-nine hours ago the Ali Al Salem Air Base in Kuwait was attacked. I...I...I did that. A quaint military church filled with wives and children, of course. The soldiers were out on maneuvers,... the braves were away. President Ellis, you continue to resist my attempts to educate you, sir. And now, you've missed me again. You know who I am, you don't know where I am, and you'll.never"

The screen glitches and then returns to normal. Tony runs his hand threw his hair. "T, it's probably nothing. This will most likely blow over within a week."i say in an atempt to calm my already stressed father " yea but-" i don't let him finish" no buts. This will blow over within a week, and you're not going to worry about it. OK" Tony sighs "you're right" " of course I am. Now how 'bout we watch something to get our minds off this" " what were you thinking?" " The Empire Strikes Back"  I suggest. peter loves that movie I think. I sigh to bad he can't watch it with me.

*Time skip end of movie*

"Wasn't that just amazing!" 

"kid, remind me never to watch a star wars movie with you again" 

"what? Why?" 

" you spent 70% of the movie quoting it" 

"I did? I guess I'm so used to watching these movies with Peter that I didn't realize what I was doing. Bad habits I guess."

I can feel the tears springing to my eyes at the memory of Peter and my's  favorite  things to do on the weekends. so I quickly come up with an excuse about getting ready for the day and left for my room.

I run for my closet door as soon as i reach my room. As I close the door I feel the tears start to fall. Gods, I miss him. i miss his smile, the way his brown eyes sparkled when he talked about science or star wars,I miss how he would hold me under the mounds of blankets as we watched movies, the way he sometimes fumbled over his words, the way he listened to me talk about harry potter or the hunger games like it was the most interesting thing in the world even though he never touched those novels, I miss the way his voice blends with mine as we sing, the way he plays with his hair when he's nervous. the tears slid down my face at a rapid pace as months of suppressed emotions come pouring out.

Get it together Lillian! It's not like he's dead. Jesus. Calm the fuck down. What the hell is wrong with you! I start pacing . My steps growing into stomps as I grow angrier and angrier with my self. Why did you drag your father into this? couldn't you see he has plenty on his plate? He doesn't have time for your bullshit. No one gives a fuck that you can't sleep. Some people have much worse than that. Hell, some people are starving and you're sitting here in you mansion crying over not being able to see your best who. mabey you should have died. then you wouldn't be lying to him every waking second

The logical part of me tells me that it's not true. That it's not my fault a building fell on me. It's not my fault my father is a busy man, but it's so much easier to listen to the part of me saying it's all my fault. it gives me someone to blame for all this that isn't a frickn' god.

 I bump into something in the dark. I-it's my old bag. I open it. Inside is- oh my god is that " my laptop! I thought this had been destroyed" my fingers trace the familiar shape of the phoenix sticker peter had gotten me when i first got the computer. I smile at the memory.

 I smile at the memory

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(the sticker)


"Whatcha' doin' Petester?" He jumps. " Oh, hi Lilly Bear just making something." I roll my eyes. "I can see that." I walk over to his twin bed and lay down half my body hanging off the bed upside down. "I was making something for you. I'm done now." "Let me see let me see." "Ok fine." "Yay!" he looks at me with an amused expression. I gasp. It's a phoenix. My favorite animal. "D-do you like it? i-i can change it to something else if you like! i-i I can"- I smile. "Peter, this is amazing." I notice the back. "I-it's a sticker?" "Yea for your new laptop." He starts playing with his hair, a nervous habit of his, that I find adorable. "Aww, Petey you're so sweet." I hug him. I get up. "Here, hold it. I'm gonna go to my room and get my laptop." I run off across the hall into my small apartment and into my room I grab the laptop which was sitting on my desk. Within minutes I'm back in his room. He peels the paper off the back of the sticker. And we place the sticker. We do our handshake. "This is awesome," we say together. we giggle. 

*end of flashback*

I open the laptop. And of course, it's dead. I giggle to myself self why wouldn't it be. As if the screen would just light up and show the video that I secretly took of Peter singing that day. That would be funny though. Instead, I find a random pillow, put on a warm sweater, curl up in a corner and start to sing to my self. Being to emotionally exhausted to leave the safety of the dark closet.

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