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warnings: language, nightmares, death,  and uh mental demons?

Lillian's pov

*3 days later*

I'm in a firey room. No, literally the room is on fire. But the fire doesn't hurt me, In fact, it feels more like a warm blanket than anything.

It's ...relaxing.

 I let it form into a small sphere and I toss the warm ball of light back and forth between my hands. Then I let it burst out from my hands and feet and I fly around the room, like Tony in one of his suits. I squeal with glee as I fly. I play a bit more making small animals dance around me. Then I get an amazing idea. 

I collect some of the fire from around the room and form a ball then I shape it into the shape of a bird. As I wave my hands in front of the bird it shaps into the intended animal. 

A Phoenix.

 This one seems more lifelike than the others did. It flys around my head and starts showing off. He flies backward with a look that can only be described as a smirk as if to say 'oh yeah, I can fly backward. can you?" I giggle at him and he gives me a confused look. I shake my head and hold out my arm witch he promptly sits on. " do you want a name hot-shot?" he bows his head slightly as if he were nodding.

 "Hmmmmm... Tony jr. ?" he glares at me " oh come on I thought it was funny. Ummmm how flame? No. Lilly that's stupid. Blaze? No....oh I got it, Talonflame!" he seems to consider it and after a few moments nods.

 I smile " hey Tal," i form another ball of light "catch." And with that, I toss the fireball across the room. He realizes what is going on and instead of darting after it he sort of hovers next to me watching the ball fall. Then as the ball is mear inches from the floor he dives and catches the ball perfectly in his beak " showoff" i say as he starts a victory dance I just shake my head " what am I going to do with you crazy bird" he comes over to me and nuzzles my neck and then backs off as if to say " you know you love me" i go to say something but am cut off by Talonflame stiffening. 

Then I here it. Cries for help, coming from behind me. I turn to see Peter, Tony, Pepper Rhodey, Steve, Bruce, Natasha, May, Ben, and my mom all trapped behind some debris. The floor looks like it might crumble and fall at any moment. 

I forget about the moment of peace, I forget the fun, I forget my new friend. All I can think about is my family.

 The first to fall threw the floor is Mom I run over to where the others are but can't get past the blockade. "Mom!" next is Ben, then one by one they all fall . By the time I get to them only Peter remains. The floor starts cracking below him. "Lillian?" he looks at me with a terrified expression. He yelps as the floor is removed from out underneath him. At the last second, I grab his hand and try to pull him up. He cries out in pain "I got you! Just don't let go, Pete, please" he winces " it burns! It burns! Lillian make it stop! It hurts Lilly!" I notice a burn mark starts to appear on his arm where my hand is. am I hurting him? the one second was all it took for me to lose my balance. We both fell. I close my eyes and wait for the inevitable to happen. But it never does instead, I fell talons grab my shirt I look up and see Talonflame as he struggles to lower me slowly. As I hit the ground I'm met with my worst nightmare yet.

My whole family new and old on the ground dead. I run over to my tony's body. " why didn't you help us? You could have saved us all. This is all your fault." I start crying. "I sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, i didn't know, I'm sorry... "

Tony's pov

I walk to my little girl's room to tell her to get ready to leave. Jarvis informs me that she is sleeping. Normally I'd let her sleep but we're going out to lunch and she has to get ready. I open the door. "Hey, short-stack" as I walk into her room I see her small form curled up on her pillow in a fetal position. "I sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry" she whispers as she rocks her self back and forth. A tear slides down her cheek. I shake her shoulder and try to wake her up "Lilly bear. sweetheart, it's just a nightmare. wake up. Wake up."

Lillian pov

I'm curled in a ball on the floor. Talonflame sits near me trying to comfort me by staying close and warming himself. I stroke his feathers mindlessly as I cry I don't even care that I look so weak. I am weak. How could I do this? I let them all die. I let him die. I was so close-I had him. I-I  hurt him.

I start crying harder  You stupid idiot if you hadn't been playing with fire they would still be here. "Lilly Bear" I hear my father's soothing voice but when I look over at his body it's still very dead. "sweetheart it's just a nightmare. wake up" I close my eyes suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder where Talonflame was

"wake up" when I open them again I'm no longer on the ash-covered floor, but my bed. I see my Tony sitting on the side of my bed looking at me with a worried expression. "Tony" I breath as I hug him tightly,mabey to tightly. "Shhh shhh." he rubs my back in a soothing matter 

"you had a nightmare. Daddy's here now. I've got you. Your safe." I sniffle and pull away from a little "there was so much death and-" he has better things to do with is time than to listen to you ramble about a dream I shake my head clearing it before the rants start again"sorry" "you have nothing to apologize for" " no i-I didn't mean for you to see me like this"

 "you've seen me in worst states." he points out. I chuckle a little " and for the record, this is not what 'fine' looks like." he says trying to lift my mood.

 I frown "this one was d-different" he goes to say something else but I cut him off "don't ask. I don't wanna talk about it" he gives me an understanding look, which I'm grateful for. "Ok pumpkin." and just like that i put on my mask of contentment again little to no signs of me crying.

"now, what did you need Tony." " Actually I came up here to tell you to get ready to leave" "where are we going? Steve's?" I ask as I get up off my bed and walk toward my bathroom. "For once no. Rhodey wanted to go out for some lunch and I suggested you join us beings as the only times you've been out of this house it to go to Capsicle's or to the mall with Pep or Nat." "don't forget the appointments with Bruce." "I was getting to that" "sure you were." 

I wash my face and brush my hair. "Anyway when you finish getting ready meet me outside by the car." " ok," I respond. After getting dressed and putting on some light makeup I went downstairs. Pepper is standing near the door. I put a smile on my face for her " Hey Pepis, what's up." " Hi Lillian, since you are going out you-" " have to pretend I someone I'm not" I snap. She gives me a sad look " well you are technical dead sweety" she points out. I sigh "I know sorry Ms.Potts. Who am I this time?" " Alexandra Foxwood. You will be posing as my niece" "k, thanks Pepsi."I say as i walk out the door towards the car Tony is in.even though i'm walking toward the outside world ,moving on, my mind always seems to wander back to one thing.


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