Chapter 4: The playboy Demon

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Thousands of years ago

I still tried to get some sleep. But this screwed alarm clock was pissing me off! Without opening my eyes, I punched it, sending it across the wall of my room. I heard the crushing of the metal and it fell to the floor.

I changed side and continued sleeping. Soon the sound of the alarm clock started again and I got up.

"What the...?"

Looking at the broken but still ticking alarm clock, I cursed my day. I got up and stretched my black wings, fixing my messy black hair. Walking heavily to the mirror, after squashing the alarm clock completely, I took a look at myself.

Apart from the black, short hair and the two black horns on my head, my red eyes glowed as I saw my reflection. I had spent centuries on bodybuilding and from my opinion, there was no worthy competitor left from me on the city of Wrath.

"I should move to the city of Pride; there are many jerks out there proud enough to challenge me." And I smiled with my reflection.

Hell is consisted of seven cities where each one bears the name of every Deadly Sin. Pride, Envy, Sloth, Lust, Wrath, Greed and Gluttony form a circle, where on its center, past the Fires of Hell, the Castle of the Big L. exists.

I live and work on the city of Wrath where if you want to survive, you must simply destroy your enemy. And that was a fact. Even the rest of the residents on my apartment block were afraid of me and the mothers were hiding their children from me afraid that I would pluck their heads off.

"At least I am not that violent..."

My room was large and spacious; with black leather sofas on my living room, a king size bed on the one corner of it as also a fireplace for burning some souls in it, since the nights in Hell were freaking cold!

Wearing my leather black pants as also the pairing non sleeved shirt, I polished my fangs on my fingertips. In the end, the black boots completed my attire and I opened the door, getting out.

The hot air of Hell's winds was enough to awake me completely and flap my wings, ready to take off. The sound of screeching behind me caught my attention; it was a small boy with short red hair, a small red tail on his back with a red and a green eye on his face.

It looked at me with bravery and I smirked at it, baring my upper fangs.

"Hey little one."

I was sure that it was afraid to death, judging from his trembling knees.

"I...I will defeat you one day!" the boy pout with bravery.

Oh, a challenge from such a young Demon! I walked towards him, showing off my muscles on my arms, making the boy lean from my emitting aura.

"Grow up first kid; after that I will take you on." And I messed with his hair.

The child smiled and left my side heading to his home, two doors away from mine.

"Kids these days..." I mumbled and took off, gliding downwards.

After a frantic night with the ladies from the city of Lust, I was having quite the hangover. Making things worse, today the Incubuses would assign the workers of the Wrath targets from Earth in order to deliver their souls to Big L.

Having achieved the highest scores on both my training and the harvest of those immature, stupid mortals, I had become quite the target of the Incubuses, who loved to give me the first catch.

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