Important for some: Glasses

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If you have to wear contacts or glasses to not be completely blind and useless, here is a little somewhat that will save your life.
You can buy special goggles with the same glass used for your normal glasses. But better ask for them being made out of plastic, actual glass will break.
The goggles will be very handy.
Easy to clean, and luckily nothing will go into your eyes. And not to forget, with these little beauties you won't be needing a magnefying glass, you can easily start a fire with your goggles!
Last but not least, they won't slip off! Thus you can leave them on while sleeping.

If you are actually in a situation where the armageddon has started and you obviously are in no possible position of buying such goggles, you can still do something. As long as you don't have contacts, or at least spare glasses.

Do not, under any circumstances, tape your glasses to you head. This is the worst you can possibly do. They will get dirty and difficult to clean, break and wound you, no possibility of using them to make a fire, and the list goes on.

You'd need to go full out mummy and bandage your face so that only your glasses are visible, and secured behind the bandaid! Problem though: you might get a rash. Not nice. And even unnicer during the end of the world.

So yeah. I hope you have healthy eyes!
Oh, and sunglasses. Really important in a lot of scenarios. Never ever forget your kickass and badass, bitchslapping sunglasses. Might get explained later.


Same as the chapter before. You should know the deal. Tell me what's missing and/ or request what you think would be best to know.

Till next time and hopefully you survive.

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