22. blowtorches

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song - down for you

"Im down" i laughed straight afterwards and every joined in

I then grabbed the camera and put it on Caroline

"Dang look at yoouuu"

"Ok that's enough" Ethan said trying to grab the camera but i didn't let him instead put it in him

"Are you saying Caroline isn't pretty"

"I'm no-"

"Are you calling me fat" Caroline said pretending to cry

"Hey i di-" he said getting defensive

"Wooooow" I said, interrupting him. The 3 of us then burst out laughing causing Ethan to roll his eyes and put the stuff in the boot. (there is no way they call it a boot in America but idk what you call it. Im talking about the storage area in the back of a car)

We all arrived back at the hotel and set the camera up in front of the couch

"Ok so why do we have this blowtorch, i thought we were making burgers" Caroline brings it out of the bag

"Oh yeah I got dessert aka brownies and since we don't have an oven then we can use that. Plus it'll be fun to use "


"Ethan your one to talk or should i say turtle man or should i say eetee-"

"Ok ok ok i've heard enough"

"Can we make the brownies first"

"How about we all make different things, Gray you and Caroline go make burgers and Amelia and I will make brownies"

"2 things. 1 there are 2 packets so why can't we make one each and 2 Wooow why don't u want to work with me"

"The second is a backup" i interrupted answering his question

"Cause i wanna use the fire machine"

"Fineee" he whined and went to the bags but the cooker wasn't there

"Where's the cooker"

"I don't know look for it" Ethan sassed

. So that our sounds wouldn't overlap, they went into the other room

"Ok so" we could here from the other room


"I DON'T CARE" although he said that he did go quiet after that

"Ok so do we have bowls"

"Yes" i started pulling the stuff out of the bags but we didn't have a spatula or anything to mix it with

"E what do we do"

"I'll use my hands"

"Ok" i said laughing at the idea

We had gotten a premade mix. We just needed to add milk, we added all the ingredients to the bowl and handed it to Ethan to mix, but before he touched it I told him to wash his hands. While he was in the bathroom I started to make sure the camera was focused. I have a camera at school because one of my electives was PDM in yr 9. Grayson barged into the room making me jump but I tried my best to hide it. Either he didn't realise or he didn't question me on it but he continued to ask me wherever he was going to ask.
"I can't find the cooker so what do we do about the meat

"Thank jesus i got the pre cooked one, you can use the microwave"

"We don't have one"

"Then you can use ours, just make sure you take it into your room otherwise E will get mad" he brought 2 fingers to his temple and quickly removed them while saying "aye aye captain"

"What will make me mad?" Ethan questioned as he walked out of the bathroom walking towards me. When he got to where i was sitting he used my shoulders to help him sit down but i playfully pushed him off

"Hey don't be mean" i giggled at his statement

"Ok imma leave before things get weirder" he put his hand up in surrender

"wait" i screamed and he quickly turned around

"Do you have a spatula or a spoon or something"

"Yeah, it's in our bag one sec" he left and came back into our room flung the spatula at my head knocking me in the eye

"Oh my gosh, Amelia im so sor-"

What the fuck bro" Ethan started to get really mad

"I'm sorry"

"Ethan calm down, im ok. It's fine Gray"

"No it's not fine i just hit you in the eye are you sure you're ok" he grabbed my hand and moved it from my eye and wincing even though i know there is no bruising or anything.

"No Gray, I'm ok go back into your room" I kinda chuckled at him exaggerating to which he nodded and I continued before Ethan could object.

"Are you sure you're ok?" he asked again

"Yes" i grabbed both his hands and brought them to the sides of my face while he looked for an injuryI studied his every move while he scanned my face making sure I was ok. Before I could comprehend anything he smashed his lips onto mine. A little taken aback at first but soon kissed him back. My hands snaked around his neck while he kept one on my cheek and the other roamed my hair. I Pulled away when I realised the camera was still rolling. We couldn't delete the footage because we had the intro and beginning in it but HE promised me he would not let Gray see it. It's not that we are embarrassed, well I am but it's mostly because they freak out and go on and on and on about it. In a good way but still it's annoying. Finally we had gotten to the good part, i had already mixed it and now we just got to use the blow torch.

"Ok can i go first" Ethan eyes lit up like a little kid

"Sure" I hummed. He squealed excitedly but I don't think he realised as he moved passed it. He grabbed the torch and started spraying like crazy and i got a little bit scared so i stood up and backed away from him

"And then i'll put a zoom effect on that" he said when he finally stopped and I walked back towards him

"Huh" i replied

"Never mind It will be funny trust me"


It was finally my turn and I was very excited to try it

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