53. Last Chap

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last chap, sorry bout the multiple POV's i just thought it went well

Ethans POV

I sit down on my bed consumed with anger. How could she do this to me. I would have understood but she didn't tell me then sprung it on me at the last second. Seriously what kind of person. And the worst part is i think i'm in love with her. I feel this way whenever I'm around her, it's like no other. It's indescribable. I feel alive and happy. Truly actually happy. I hate that I'm only releasing this now but it's true. And she just had to ruin it. I don't know what to do. I can't cope with her being gone but I'm so angry with her. I'm so angry that she didn't just talk to me. Communication is all I ask but clearly it's not there.

Narrators POV

The italian soon to be man waited in his window watching the young woman say her goodbyes as he watched longing for her touch, with too much pride and stubbornness to admit it. His fake hatred towards the girl keeps her heart aching and his to stop. She walks to her side of the car and mentally the boy wishes she wouldn't. He wishes she would just run up to him while she wishes the same. She longs for him to run out of his house and beg for her love but he doesn't. She glances at his window one last time before closing the car door and speeding off. As soon as she does a single tear drops from her eye but what she doesn't realise is the same tear drops from his. He drops to the floor in a fast and sudden attack of emotions and in that moment he decided he would fight for her love. He ran down the stairs but by that time she was long gone. He gets into the car rushing to the airport going much over the limit, but anything for true love right.

Graysons POV

I hug her goodbye one last time as the intercom calls for her flight

"He's not here" she whispers in my ear and i can tell she has lost hope

"I'm sorry i really thought he did" we glance around the airport to find my idiot brother nowhere to be seen

"In another lifetime" she whispers once again

"I'm going to miss you so much" I hugged each of her siblings ending with her one last time before they walked away from me. "See you in 6 months" i whisper once she is out of bear shot

"GRAY" i hear my twin yell form behind me

"Where is she?" the desperation in his voice is apparent. I don't even need to say anything he knows my answer. As soon as he gets close enough he collapses in my arms

"I love her so much Gray" he sobs not caring about how many people around us.

"Im sorry E"

"It's all my fault"

"You were pretty stupid" i laugh trying to lighten the mood

"Fuck you" he pushes my head


As Amelia sits on her plane ride and Ethan in the car on the ride home they don't realise how similar they are. They both love eachother but are too arrogant to see it. Neither of them were aware of the others feelings, only of their own. They both longed to be together. They say that if it's right it will come back. If they are truly soulmates they will find their way back to each other. I know they will

Perception - Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now