32. going home 😢

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"Amelia, baby it's time to wake up" i was slightly shaken awake before a light kiss was placed on my forehead immediately making me open my eyes a smile evident on my face. I got up and thanked Jesus we packed last night, I would not have been up for packing. Finally we all got piled into the airport ready for our flight. I had my neck pillow with my sweats and crop top and my jumper in my hand. Finally our flight was called so we all made our way onto the plane of course with the same people we were with the first time. Once we sat down I laid my head on Ethans shoulder until he moved, knocking me off, making me frown slightly. That was until he started digging through his bag grabbing a couple of things

"So, last time you were a little .. scared" he said being careful with his words "so i got a couple things, we have candy, noise cancelling headphones if you want them, a rubix cube, fidget cube and I downloaded movies. Whichever one will help you can have"

Aww he is so cute, i really don't deserve him. I smiled so bright at him with a big toothy grin


"Nothing your just cute"

"Oh shut up" he said pushing my shoulder

"Oh yeah, i also got lots of snacks"

"You already said that"

"No, I said I had candy, not snacks. The candy are for your ears and the snacks, cause they taste good"

"I'm not putting anything in my ears"

"No for them popping" I started laughing at my stupidity. No shit

"Ohhh" i said with my laughter immediately following

Finally the plane was full and we had sat through the safety guide and the nerves were now setting in. I rubbed the sweat collecting on my hands over my sweats. I looked to my side to see my boyfriend already looking at me with a smile on his face to which I replied with the same thing. It's still so weird to think he is my boyfriend. I'm so excited to get back and spend my life with Ethan. Like I have said before, I see Ethan in my future and I like to think he was being truthful when he said he did too. I leaned my head on his shoulder while I wrapped both my hands around his arm hugging his bicep.

Ethans POV

I leaned my head on top of hers. I could feel her nerves radiating off of her body. I wish there was something I could do but there isn't much. The plane lightly jolted forward and her head picky perked off of my shoulder.

"Here bubba" i opened the packet of mentos and handed her one "don't chew it, just suck on it" i grabbed another one and popped it into my mouth. Her head moved around frantically acting chill but not really

"Baby it's ok" she quickly nodded her head but she clearly didn't believe it. I grabbed the sides of her face and tried to calm her down. Her breathing increased and she tried to face forwards wiggling out of grip going into full freak out mode. By instinct I held on tighter and pounced my lips onto her own. Of course she didn't kiss back at first but I felt my entire body light on fire tingles covering the entire thing. She slowly calmed down and kissed back with just as much force as me. One hand stayed on her cheek and the other moved to the back of her head trying to pull her closer in an attempt to be as close to her as possible. I pull away smiling. She did it. We are off the ground

She smiled realising we were

"U did it" i pecked her lips "wanna watch a movie" she nodded her head. I pulled out my new macbook pro and plugged in my earphone playing her favourite movie, Highs school Musical 3. Her immediate excitement of course put a smile on my face. She snuggled into my shoulder getting comfortable to which I rested my head on top of hers. I didn't really like this movie but Amelia seemed to like it so. My eyes started to droop and eventually sleep had taken over me.

I woke up to the airhostess talking over the intercom looking to my left i see Amelia smiling sweetly at me which made me just want to kiss he so of course i did

The boys and Audrey run up to me and give me a hug. I have to be honest, I didn't . I looked through the gap in the chairs at Gray and Caroline to swee them also sleeping. I wrapped my arm around my chair behind me where i tapped gray on the leg making him groan but eventually wake up. We all got up, got out stuff and headed off the plane to pick up where we picked up our bags. Once we had we all caught a bus back to our school where we got dismissed. We all came together so we might as well leave together. 

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