39. mario kart weiner

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Amelia's POV

He leans his head down on the pillow and I cuddle into him. He moves his arms to go behind his head to support himself as i shuffle around

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" I tried to ask because yes I feel uncomfortable but I also feel bad. I think everytime we start and I stop it he feels bad. I understand that this is different but I don't think I'm ready. I mean I'm 16. I know everyone else is doing it but that's just not me. He nods his head so i stand up to get the controller to put on netflix. Once I do , I fall back into the bed and go back to my previous position.

"What do you wanna watch?" I ask , to which he says I can put on anything. Scroll through netflix trying to find a good movie when we heard Cameron and Grayson screaming downstairs. My head perks up with my attention peaked

"Come on" i get up and grab his hand trying to drag him off of this bed

"Lets goooo" i whine

"Ok ok im coming" he gets up and we walk downstairs to find the 2 of them playing mario kart

"I play winner" i run and jump on the couch between them

"Which is going to be me" Cameron taunts

"In your dreams Cam"

"Where's the popcorn '' I make fun of the 2 of them. Ethan doesn't come sit down so i'm assuming he has gone to finish the pancakes. We were in the room for long at most maybe 5 minutes so there is no way they went off or gross. We hear the sizzling on the pan and immediately pancakes fill the air.

"Hurry up i wanna play before pancakes are ready"

"And you will because i am absolutely SMOKING grayson" we all laugh and i even hear Ethan chuckle form the kitchen

"Oh fuck of Cam i am right behind"

"She's crop dusting you" Cameron gets thrown off and Grayson goes in the lead and finishes with the win.


"I was distracted"

"Doesn't matter now it's my turn" she hands me the controller and I lightly nudge her jokingly "you better watch out" . I pretend to crack my knuckles and neck in a joking manner.

Once we had finished the game, don't worry, I had won and the pancakes were finished. We all scurried to the kitchen like when your mum calls dinner. The pancakes were served on plates with decorations including berries and ice cream in each. We quickly devoured each of course while complementing Ethan the whole time. Once we were finished we decided to go ice skating.

Ethan tried to pay for me but of course I would never allow him. We hired and put on skates and started skating. Cameron really surprised us by being absolutely incredible and Grayson too. I already knew Ethan was good because we had gone before and they play hockey but damn Cameron really got skills. I take my phone out to take photos. I put the camera facing Ethan and I and I started recording a video. Him of course being goofy and me annoyingly laughing to all of his stupid jokes. Cameron and Grayson are nowhere to be seen but we find them at our area eating hot chips

"What the hell guys, you left us"

"Well your guys looked like you were having fun plus we were really hungry" Cameron defends while Grayson agrees nodding his head like a lost puppy. We laugh but go get some food ourselves. When we get back they are finished but they still try to steal some of ours even though they had their own

"Fuck off Grayson, you had your own food"

"Sooo" i give him a look telling him to stop in a goofy way

"Look at that" he points behind me to which i do so before i realise it was a red herring so i quickly turn around to find him trying to steal my food. I quickly smack his hand away and the chip drops

"Come on im really hungry"

"So am I" i defend


"Funny" I mimic his whiny tone to which he jumps at MY food.

"I said you could have one not all of it

"Sorry" he mumbles with his mouth full of food making me giggle. Once we finish eating we decide on just heading back home. Tomorrow is school so Olivia is going to sleep over at my house. The boys park in their driveway and when I hop out I see Olivia standing in my driveway. I run up and hug her

"They really are girls" Ethan comments to which I put the middle finger up at him from a distance making the boys chuckle to themselves then engage in their own conversation. We walk up to them, hug them goodbye and then the 2 of us go to my house. 

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