Chapter Fifteen

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Riah pressed the call button and lifted the phone to his ear. He paced across the floor of the barn, surrounded by the fresh smell of hay and carefully packaged produce. It was mid-morning, and he had a hectic day ahead of him. But he was stealing a few minutes just so he could hear Adam's voice. It made him feel vulnerable and exposed but, at the same time, giddy excitement was making his heart pulse a quick rhythm against his ribcage. The phone rang three times. When the dial tone stopped, Riah was so shocked he forgot to say anything.

Adam took a few breaths before saying, "Zachariah?"

He paused, overwhelmed that he could just ring Adam and he would pick up. Shaking his head at his own stupidity, he started pacing again.

"Zachariah?" Adam asked again. "You there?"

"Yeah. Shit. Sorry. Hey." He turned, stepping forward again and stumbled over a loose plank of wood on the floor. "Shit. Ow." It didn't hurt, but the burn of embarrassment needed an outlet. "I fell."

"Are you okay?"

"I tripped up." Riah laughed and was distinctly glad Adam couldn't see the red burning across his cheeks. "I'm fine. Should probably fix the loose fucking plank though." He scruffed his foot along the floor, kicking up sawdust as he did. "I was just ringing to say hi. After last night. I just... I wanted to say hi." He rolled his eyes at his own unnecessary prattling and scratched his nails across his head.

Adam laughed lightly. "Hey."

A stupid smile spread across Riah's lips before he could even think to stop it. "Hey."

Neither of them spoke for a moment.

"What are you up to?" Riah finally asked.

"Packing. I've got to leave first thing. But I'll be back in a few days!" He finished quickly, as if wanting to stop any fears Riah might have.

The itch beneath Riah's skin calmed at the words. "What time are you leaving?" He asked as cheerily as possible so Adam wouldn't worry. "Do you have road snacks?"

"Road snacks?" A zip was pulled and Adam huffed out a breath. There was the smack of a bag landing on the floor and then the shuffle of material as he lay down. His voice grew deeper, buried in blankets. "I won't have time to buy any. I've to see Gansey and Dorian soon. I think Ivy and Shawn are gonna pop in, too. Will you be about?"

"Shit, Man. I have a bunch of stuff to catch up on today. Orders from shops and I've to roster people for a few different shifts. It's a whole load of paperwork shite." Riah sighed, and then smiled, a sudden idea hitting him. "But you'll be back soon, right?"

"Yeah, we can do something when I get back."

"Fucking good." He sighed, excitement pumping beneath his skin. "I've gotta go, Adam. But I'll see you next week?"

"I'll call you tomorrow?"

"You fucking better."

Adam laughed. "Bye, Zachariah."

"See you, Adam."

The minute the call ended, Riah dialled Gansey's number. "Dick! Dick Three! I have the best fucking idea."

Riah had just leaned against the Mercedes in a way that looked casual and cool when Adam stepped out of Monmouth the next morning. He was wearing Riah's hoodie, again. This time, he was wearing it under a motorcycle jacket and paired with his own jeans instead of Gansey's. The pair had a small tear in one thigh where Riah could see a freckled patch of skin. Riah's stomach clenched pleasantly at the sight of it all. It was still early, and mist clung to the ground; tendrils grasping at stone and grass. The sun leeched the darkness from the sky and a warm, pink glow lit the day like a camera filter. Adam glanced up and stopped walking, confusion slightly parting his pretty lips in surprise. A heavy duffle bag hung off his shoulder, and his left hand gripped it so tightly, his knuckles were turning white. A motorcycle helmet was tucked under his right arm.

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