Chapter 19

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Kyra: Hey guys! So for this chapter and the next one, we're welcoming back...Alex! (@YoshiFnaf)

Madi: And...Kai! (@stanateen2)

Kyra: And Madi! (@BANNANA0LOL)

Madi: Wait, but I was always here

Kyra: I just wanted to say your username

Diamond: And we're also welcoming back...J! (@DaddyIspapii)

Kyra: Hang on, I thought Jason was supposed to introduce her? No offence

Diamond: He's in the corner sulking because they have the same nickname

Beastboy: (Comes out of nowhere) AAAAAAAHHHHHH

Jason: AAAAAHHHH- why did you scream?!

Beastboy: I wanted to scare you🙃🙃🙃

Jason: 😡😡😡

Beastboy: ....Bye (Disappears)

At Slade's lair...

Dart: Hey dad

Slade: What?

Dart: I hacked that Wattpad account of that girl, Kyra

Slade: Ooh can you make me kiss Robbie?

Dart: Ew, no. Wait, there's a dare for me? (Sees dare) This will be fun😈😈😈

Slade: Ravager! Your sister's smiling evilly again!

Ravager: I'm in the shower!

Slade: I'm a villain so I'm not saying sorry. Apprentice! Sword's smiling evilly again!

Terra: I'm going shopping for dresses!

Slade: Why?

Terra: I look like a boy!

Slade: How come?

Terra: You cut my hair short! And gave me your old kiddie clothes!

Slade: That's not what makes you look like a boy. It's your flat chest, you banana-head

Terra: Hey, my hair has nothing to do with this

Slade: Jericho! Your sister's smiling evilly!

Jericho: ...

Slade: Don't ignore me, young man

Jericho: ...

Slade: Hey, I said don't ignore me

Jericho: ...

Slade: Oh wait. You can't talk

Jericho: 😑😑😑

At the Tower...

Robin: (Sees list) No thanks, @InnerDemongirl

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Robin: (Sees list) No thanks, @InnerDemongirl


Kyra: Us hosts aren't allowed to see the list

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