Chapter 13

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I just noticed that Jinx actually is a Titan now, she joined after the Brotherhood of Evil thing

Chapter starts here:

Beastboy: (Throws down video game control) Ughhhhhh it's so hot and I'm boreds

Cyborg: Sure, that's just your excuse for being scared to LOSE against me (Carries on playing game)

Speedy: I'm meltingggg (Looks like he's melting)

Jen: Yo Aqualad can you splash us with some water

Aqualad: No

Kid Flash: You're mean

Jen: I'm going to the kitchen to get ice cubes then (Goes to the kitchen)

Jinx: I'm guessing this is life as a Titan- you laze around, you argue, you throw people out windows and you only fight crime 30% of the time

Bee: At least you don't have to do all the work like you did when you were in the HIVE Five

Raven: And we don't have to beat you up while you try to "destroy the Teen Titans"

*Something explodes and the Titans jump up*

James: Relax guys, it's probably just Jen blowing up the microwave


Beastboy: Relax dude, we cans just get another one

Cyborg: Not that (Points at TV) It's so hot that it made the TV explode!!!

Speedy: Now what will I use to show Aqualad people fishing?

Aqualad: Na na na na na

Jen: (Comes back in and chucks ice cubes at everyone)

*Aqualad and Raven stop their ice cubes with their powers and throw them back at Jen*

Jen: One is not amused

Kyra: You should try reading this fan fiction, it's called 'Shout it from the rooftops' (

*I do NOT own that fan fiction*

Beastboy: Nuh uh

Star: What is the wrong friend Beastboy?

Beastboy: NOBODY is gonna reads any fanny fiction

Speedy: But-

Cyborg: Come on-

Kid Flash: How-

Beastboy: Withouts me😎

Raven: I hate you

*After reading 'Shout it from the rooftops'*

Robin: (Had fainted)

Speedy: (Drawing on Robin's face)

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