Chapter 15

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Author's Note by real author:

Hey guys, after this I might start writing proper stories instead of random things like this. Unless you would like me to do a Truth/Ask or Dare fanfic for Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Dragons: Race To The Edge (it's after HTTYD) or any other books/movies I've read/watched. Also, about my other book (Teen Titans Have Social Media!!!) I might change the title of that and also, I have no idea where I'm going with that book. I think it's turning into a story about getting popular ships such as RobStar, BBRae, CyBee and Flinx together (SpAqua too if you want). If you would like to read it, I'm changing the title to 'A Teen Titans Fan Fiction: Just Get Together All Ready!' or 'A Teen Titans Fan Fiction: Love, Pranks and Social Media' or something else

Jen: So, Diamond is now a permanent host in here!

Diamond: (Shooting arrows at the 5th wall) COME ON!!! OPEN UP (Turns around) Uhh......hi? I'm not doing anything......

*The 5th wall separates all the TV shows, movies, books and video game universes*

Kyra: I know you three will desert me. I WON'T BE ALONE

James: We won't desert you

*Jen, Jason and James (haha Triple J) teleport away*

Kyra: (Facepalms) What did I tell you?

Kyra: Anyway, the "my" siblings in the last chapter weren't actually mine (except Caleb), I made the girls up cause I can and based them on kids I know. In reality, Caleb is 6 and punches me in the face everyday

Diamond: Sad

Kyra: Also, not everything we say in here about ourselves is true. These do not confirm our/my identity. Wow I sound like Robin. DANG IT

Chapter starts here

*Everyone except Raven, Star and Speedy are in the common room*

Kyra: (Suddenly screams) AAAAHHH




Mas y Menos: AAAAHHHH

Aqualad: AAAAHHH

Beastboy: AAAAHHH- why are we screaming?

Kyra: I saw this cute fan art of BBRae!!!

Jen: Ugh stupid fangirl

Kyra: (Shows her a picture of RobStar kissing)


Beastboy: Guys, I need to practice the thing

Robin: Oh yeah (Looks through the door) Coast is clear! Go for it!

Diamond: To be honest, I ship BBTerra

*Raven flies in with Star following her*

Raven: I heard Gar screaming 

Star: I am sorry friends! I could not deter her!

Raven: Deter me from what? (Turns around and sees what's happening in front of her)

Beastboy: (On one knee with a ring held out) Oh Aqualad my bae, will you marry me?

Aqualad: (In a high pitched voice) Yes Gar!!!

Raven: ......? Is there a reason why Gar just proposed to Aqualad who for some reason is wearing my leotard???

Beastboy and Aqualad: (Both blush and stand up properly) It's not what you think!

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