Chapter 25

105 2 16

dedicated to BBRaeFan102 who's kept me inspired to carry on writing


Jason: (Walking through the halls) So, I'm the only one awake. What shall I do?

*Arrows start shooting from the wall*

Jason: RE- really? (Dodges the arrows)

*The last arrow shot has a piece of paper on it*

Jason: "Arrow Fool's Day! From, Diamond." Brilliant. Just brilliant

*Suddenly gets yanked up by some rope*

Jason: Wha- oh. Really, Jen? That is such a lame prank. Now, how do I get out?

Watermelon-Sized-Spider: BOO

Jason: WHAT THE- oh, hi there

Watermelon-Sized-Spider: You ain't scared of me?

Jason: No way, dude

Watermelon-Sized-Spider: Everyone else is though

Jason: They're crazy

Watermelon-Sized-Spider: I know, right?

Jason: Today's April Fool's Day but I don't know what to do

Watermelon-Sized-Spider: Pranks?

Jason: Well, duh. I just don't know what pranks. They have to be good cause I need to get back at the other hosts

Watermelon-Sized-Spider: You mean those girls that were screaming?

Jason: Yep

Watermelon-Sized-Spider: I'll help you out. Even though you offended me at first

Jason: Sorry about that, dude

Watermelon-Sized-Spider: It's all good in the Titan Towerhood!

Jason: ...Ok? So what do you have in mind?

Watermelon-Sized-Spider: Do you mind if I whisper to you?

Jason: Just don't bite me and I'm chill

Watermelon-Sized-Spider: Sure (Whispers the idea)

Jason: Holy arachnids, that is brilliant

Watermelon-Sized-Spider: I'll give 'em a call while you think of some more

Jason: Thanks buddy

Jason: ...

Jason: Uh, do you mind getting me down first? All this blood is going to my brain and-

*The spider cuts the rope with its hairy leg*

Jason: (Falls to the ground headfirst) Thanks

*A frying pan falls on his head*

Jason: Ow! What- (Reads the note stuck to it)
April Fool's Day!
— Rain


*Speedy and Robin are asleep. An alarm clock rings*

Speedy: Five more minutes, mom

Robin: (Wakes up) CRIME ALERT

Speedy: Wha? Whay?

Robin: I heard one

Speedy: That was an alarm clock

Robin: Are you sure?

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