Chapter four

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After eating lunch the players have an hour to relax and chat. Chris and the others are seated together on two sofas, facing each other. In one Handa and Skriniar and in the other D'Ambrosio and Chris.
The dane is sleepy and his eyes close from time to time, while he chats comfortably with his new-found friends.

D'Ambrosio decided earlier not to confront Chris right away about what happened with Brozo, he wanted to talk to the croatian first.

Even Skriniar and Handa can't hide their smiles when finally Chris stops fighting sleep and closes his eyes, resting his head on the armrest.

All that's happened must have taken a tool on the blonde, and his friends are more than happy to let him rest before their afternoon session.

Barella walks up to them and as soon as he sees Chris he makes sure not to wake him. He didn't really have a choice, D'Ambrosio's whisper was clear.
"He needs it"

After a while Brozo enters the room, noticing his sleeping teammate.
He takes a glass of water and casually walks beside the couch, where D'Ambrosio, Skriniar and Handa all follow him with their eyes.

He walks past the sofas and accidentally (but clearly on purpose) his glass falls, producing a loud noise inside the almost silent room.

Chris wakes up, obviously startled by the sound.
Brozo has the courage to laugh, even as D'Ambrosio approaches him, determined to finally stop this nonesense.
He can't believe how childish and mean Brozo is being; the defender knows that waking someone up it's not a big deal and that it can be seen as an innocent prank, but he can't stand what's behind it.
The hate, the will to convince Chris that he doesn't belong here, that he doesn't deserve to be here and the effort Brozo is putting into making his life at Inter miserable.

Just as D'Ambrosio is a few steps away from Brozo, with Skriniar to his side and Handa with Chris, Conte calls them for their afternoon session.
D'Ambrosio whispers
"We aren't done."
And walks past Brozo with a shove, exiting the room.

Slowly everybody does the same and the training begins.

When D'Ambrosio sees that Chris is in his team and that Brozo is in another, he relaxes a bit.
He shouln't have.
As soon as the match starts, Brozo is on Eriksen, limiting his movements and his game.
Chris' skills help him a lot, and with a few tricks he frees himself and passes the ball to Sanchez, who scores a great goal.
Everybody goes to hug Alexis, who high fives Chris.
D'Ambrosio doesn't join the hug but gives both of his teammates a proud thumbs up.

Chris smiles brightly.

The next time Chris has the ball, Brozo tries to tackle him.
The tackle is obviously late and luckily Chris manages to jump and dodge what could have hurt him badly.

He quickly gets up and reaches Brozo
"What were you doing there? You were late and you could have really hurt me"

Brozo smiles and says
"Tell me something i don't already know blondie. I wanted to hurt you, but you don't even deserve that, you usless excuse of a midfielder"

With that Brozo runs to his position, while D'Ambrosio reaches Chris.
"Hey are you okay? Are you hurt? What did that jerk say to you?"

Chris barely answers with an
"I'm fine"
And when D'Ambrosio insists, the blonde promises to tell his friend everything after dinner.

The defender isn't really satisfied, but he can't push Chris more than this; softly ruffling the dane's hair, he returns to his position.
Chris relaxes a bit.

Fortunately the training ends without other incidents, and after showering the players have dinner together.
This time Chris is seated next to Bastoni and Barella, with whom he talks about English and Italian food.

After dinner, Conte gives the players a chance to see a film together, something he calls "bonding time".

They decide to see Die Hard.

Chris finds himself between D'Ambrosio and Handanovic, and he finally allows himself to fully enjoy the quality time he gets to spend with his new friends.

About halfway into the film, Chris falls asleep like he did after lunch, but this time his head is resting on D'Ambrosio's shoulder.
D'Ambrosio doesn't really mind, and after smiling at Handa because well, it's a really cute thing, he searches for Brozo around the room, finding him at his left, chatting with Biraghi.

At the end of the film, Handa gently wakes Chris and they all walk together to their rooms.
They wish each other a good night, and D'Ambrosio and Skriniar really hope that Brozo won't do anything stupid.

D'Ambrosio hugs Chris, telling him
"Our room is just down there. Please, come to us if you need anything, don't worry, you won't bother us"
With a last squeeze he lets the blonde go, walking away as he hears the door of the room 28 close.

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