Words Series

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A collection of poems about a relationship using the metaphors of words and stories.


We didn't need no words.

We made our own dictionary.

And built our own empire of emotions.


You could read me like I could read you.

And that was all I ever wanted -

To have read

And to be read.


We tore the pages our writer wrote of us,

We made our own stories.

And we lived happily ever after.

I hoped.

No words

I hope you find them,

If you've got no words.

And I hope they find you,

When you need them most.

The end

A dictionary never has an end.

I suppose -

New words go in,

Old words go out.

But I'm not a dictionary.

I'm sorry you couldn't understand the words I breathed.

And I'm sorry you decided that you're done reading my heart,

After skipping through all the pages you disliked,

And tearing away through all the pages you liked.

So I guess this is the end.

For you.

But not for me.

Because new words go in,

Old words go out.

I'll let you go.

And revitalise myself with more beautiful words.

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