Paper Torn Series

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This series is about writers, poets etc. who write to express themselves, who have been hurt in life, and want to do more in life.


Paper place,

Paper land,

Paper school,

Paper life.

Paper people,

Paper me,

Paper heart,

Paper tears—

Paper torn.

What did I ask you for?

I didn't ask for your pity.

I asked for your support.

I don't need your pity.

I need your support.

I don't want your pity.

I want your support.

Tell me,

What did I ask you for?

Answer me,

What did you give me instead?

Something more

I yearn to create something new.

Something unorthodox.

Something audaciously true.

So that when the time comes,

I'll be proud to say then,

I've created something more,

Something more than myself.

What If

This is dedicated to all those who think so much about the what if's. It's okay. Don't overthink. You are the best you can be right now, and the only way forward is not backwards, and not thinking backwards, but forwards. ~

And I'll always wonder,

What'll happen if I -

Tried harder.

Hoped harder.

Smiled a little more.

Screamed some more.

Cried more.

Loved a lot more.

Said what I needed to say.

Kept what needn't be said.

And I'll always wonder,

If I was ever good enough.

Not for you.

But for me.

And I'll always wonder,

If I've wasted my entire life,

Thinking the wrong things,

Doing the wrong things,

Saying the wrong words,

Loving the wrong people,

Hating the wrong people,

Being the wrong me.

And I'll always wonder and wonder,

If I could be any better.

And I'll always wonder and wonder,

All the what if's that never happened.


Author's Note:

Remember, don't regret.

Never regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience. - Victoria Hult. One of my favourite quotes.

Keep Loving! ~

And, last but not least...

~You are amazing.

~You are awesome - because you are reading this, kidding, you are still awesome.

~You are phenomenal.

You are amazing in more than a million different ways.

~ Winter :D 

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