Weather Series

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Poems about a relationship using the metaphors of weathers

Weather Series


It was just nice.

It was perfect.

But it was too perfect, I knew it -

And the sky fell eventually.


It was too bright.

It blinded -


It was too hot.

It burnt -


It was too much.




It was never clear.

It will never be clear.

And nothing is ever clear.

Are you clear?


It was beautiful.

The sadness that was painted,

The loneliness that was coloured,

The anger that was carved,

The chaotic thoughts that were scattered,

Amongst the cloudy skies.

It was beautiful.

And for a moment -

I could feel.

And I let myself feel



Rain, rain,

Go away,

Come again,

Another day.

Rain, rain,

Go away,

Take my pain,

For another day.


I hear you.

You hear me.

You're getting closer.

I won't flee.

Scare the voices.

Inside my head.

I beg you please.

Come straight ahead.

I hear you.

You hear me.

You're getting closer.

But my voice shout with glee.


Beautiful and dangerous.

I'm addicted to you.

Come strike me.

Take me with you.


I don't like you.

It's almost normal.

It's unbelievable.

I can't handle this.

I'm not okay.


Everything's wrong. Everything's wrong. Everything's wrong.

I can't find my way.

I can't think anything.

I've hidden too much of myself.

I've done too much bleeding.

Everything's just wrong. Everything's plain wrong.

There's nothing out there.

There's nothing in me.

There's nothing everywhere.

What am I doing here.

Everything's wrong. Everything's wrong. Everything's wrong.

Just take me to further into oblivion.


It blew me away.

It drowned my body.

It damaged my soul.

But at last I cried,

My beautiful tears away.


I'll just take this moment of peace.

And cherish it forever,

Within my heart.

I know it's not a breeze,

But I'm willing to go through it all again.

To have another moment of this.

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