Chapter One - The Beginning

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"You ready?"


We glanced at each other, hunched behind some wooden crates, waiting for the right chance to attack. A 15 year old boy and a 14 year old girl dressed in weird costumes, trying to shut down a gun trade that was bound to go wrong from the start.

He pulled out his bow, prepping an explosive arrow. "Who's shooting first?"

I smiled, spinning one of my closed silver fans in my hand. "Be my guest"

He smirked as he pulled the arrow into place, and then let it fly. As the explosion went off we both jumped out from behind the crates, attacking the men while they were still recovering from the explosion.

By the time the smoke cleared we stood breathing heavily. He pulled one of his arrows out of one of the men's legs, cleaning it off on a cloth he pulled out of his pocket.

"I wish David would've let me go on missions sooner. This is fun!" I say with a smile.

He chuckles and steps over a body, moving closer to me as he tucked the arrow back in his quiver. The door of the warehouse opened and Green Arrow walked in, looking around at the mess.

"Nice work," he said. "The cops are on their way"

"Then let's go," Speedy says.

We left the warehouse, Speedy and I racing back to Green Arrow's hideout. He beat me there, laughing victoriously as I made my way in after him. David was waiting, sitting on the couch.

Speedy and I shared a look. "I'm gonna go... hit the shower," he said, walking towards the bathroom.

I went over and sat beside David, pulling off my mask and tossing it on the coffee table. He finished off his coffee and then placed it on its coaster.

"How was it?" He asks.

"Not a thing out of place"

"I was worried it'd be a little much for your first mission. Having Speedy there helped ease my nerves," he says with a chuckle. "But good job"

"Thanks. Does that mean more missions?"

He crossed his arms and sighed. "No solo missions yet, you're still a little too young. But, if you're with someone else who'll watch your back, I'll allow it"

Back when I was only 8, first sent to Earth by my birth parents, David Ripley was the man that found me. He read the letter left by my parents on the one bag of belongings I had, and didn't question letting me into his home.

My parents wanted to keep me safe from the bad things that happen on my home planet. It was full of war at that moment in time, and they would call me back when it was time.

Time for what, I didn't know. I also couldn't guess how long it was going to be until the time was right. That's all that was left on the note, a brief please and thank you.

When I was 11, David introduced me to a friend of his, Oliver Queen, to teach me some tricks to defend myself, which ended up being more like training me to be a superhero.

"David did a good job on your superhero get up," Green Arrow says as he finally walked in.

"It's really easy to move in, too," I add. "Thanks again, David"

"Stop thanking me," he says, shaking his head with a chuckle. "I'm your guardian, it's what I'm supposed to do. How about some pizza?"

He stood up without waiting for an answer and left, most likely going to get some pizza. Then Green Arrow, now dressed in a suit, went towards the Zeta tube - a means of teleportation.

"I've gotta get back, you-"

"I'll be fine, Oliver, you go on"

He smiled and waved before stepping through the Zeta tube and teleporting wherever he was headed. I spread out across the couch, laying down as I slid off my long gloves, letting them fall on the table.

I closed my eyes, suddenly feeling very tired after my first ever mission. The next time I opened my eyes, Roy was no longer in his Speedy outfit, sitting at my feet eating pizza.

I sprang up so I was sitting and instantly grabbed a piece of pizza. Roy stared at me in surprise, not knowing I was awake.

"I'm surprised you didn't wake up sooner to the smell of the pizza"

"Where's David?" I ask, my mouth full of pizza.

"He had to run, said he'd see you back at home"

He stood up when the box was empty, me eating the last slice of pizza. As he walked towards the garbage I watched him, silently eating my pizza. He had auburn hair and blue eyes, traits you didn't normally see because of his mask and hat. But when he wasn't in costume, it was hard to tell that this blue eyed boy was a hero.

That was thanks to his personality. He wasn't as friendly and relaxed as Green Arrow. To me, he was the type to shoot first ask questions later.

"You should get going, you look pretty tired," he says. "Take the Zeta tube"

I groaned, not wanting to get up, but I got up anyway. I grabbed my things and walked past him towards the Zeta tube.

"I'll see you later, Roy"

"Hey, Rou"

I turned around to look at him before stepping into the Zeta tube. As I looked at his eyes I couldn't hide the small blush that made its way to my cheeks as he spoke.

"You did good today"

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