Chapter Fourteen - Reveal

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"So Artemis was alive this whole time? And Kaldur was actually no in their side?" I ask.

"Mhmm," Nightwing tells me. "But we finally stopped the Light and the Reach so they're no longer in deep cover. There's still some of them out there somewhere, but for now, we did all we could. We won"

I was still in the hospital, almost ready to be released. Nightwing had visited me, filling me in on their most recent successful mission. There were still some things to be done, the Reach was still currently on Earth for the moment, but soon it would all be over.

I smiled. "Congratulations, I wish I could've been there to fight"

He shook his head. "You're just getting better, we didn't need you to loosen your stitches"

There was a knock on the door and then Roy walked in. He glanced at me then at Nightwing. Nightwing stood up, went over towards the door, but paused to say something else to me, a smirk on his face.

"Oh, congratulations to you as well"

He left and I couldn't stop myself from blushing. The door shut as Roy walked over to me, sitting down on the edge of my bed.

"What was that about?" He asks.

"Oh, he was just explaining about Artemis and-"

"No, the congratulations"

"Oh... I told him about us"

"Is there an us?"

"Is there?" I repeat, starting to rethink everything I had told Nightwing.

He chuckles, putting a hand over mine. "I like you. Do you want there to be an us?"

"Wait, first I want to know. How long did you like me? You know I've liked you for a while now, but what about you?"

"Honestly, I liked you 8 years ago, and how happy you were on that very first mission of yours. I was a little mad hearing about what happened between you and Red Arrow, but then I realized I still liked you and I was jealous of... myself"

"I'm sorry"

"Why are you sorry? I'm the one that should be-"

"Just because you were jealous doesn't mean you need to be sorry. But me... I... I used Red Arrow as your replacement. I needed you in my life so bad I didn't exactly care that he was a clone, even though I should've. Should I have?"

He sighs. "I don't know, but it doesn't matter. He's on his own, doing his own stuff now, he even has a daughter to take care of. And you're mine"

"I am?" I ask with a giggle.

My stomach rumbled and he stood up. "What do you want to eat?"

"Whatever doesn't look gross. This is my last day, I want to have a good meal"

"We could always go get something afterwards. But, whatever"

He left and I sat in the bed, watching a rerun of a previous news feed. It was the one of Gordon Godfrey - a man who is very clearly against the Justice League - unveiling the secrets of the Reach while in an interview with the Ambassador of the Reach.

The door opened and my doctor walked in, eyeing the charts in his hands. "You're free to go. You should still take it easy, but you've healed up quite well"

"Alright, thanks"

As he left Roy walked in with a tray of food, setting it down on the night side table. After I ate and got dressed we left the hospital, heading for my home. Pulling into the driveway as the sun started to set I saw David's car wasn't there.

"Does he know you're out of the hospital today?" Roy asks as we went inside.

"I think so, he's probably busy at work. He did mention something about wanting to welcome me home and a special dinner"

I stopped in the kitchen, finding a note on the table. It was from David, saying he had to stay late at work to finish a project, but as soon as he got back we'd go out for dinner.

"Well, that explains that. So, what are we gonna do now?"

"That's up to you"

"Can we watch a movie? There wasn't much choice on that small tv in the hospital room"

"Sure. You go ahead, I'll get the popcorn"

I made my way to the small theatre David rarely used. Then I sat down in one of the seats that sat in front of a blank wall and I turned on the projector.

The power went out as I was searching for a movie. I stood up and looked around, waiting for my eyes to adjust, but it was too dark for my eyes to adjust at all. All I could see was the darkness.

"Roy?" I call out.

"The power's out in the whole city"

"Should we be worried?"

"It should be fine, it's not like this never happens"

I searched through the darkness, unable to see anything that surrounded me. I took a couple steps back and then a hand softly grabbed my wrist. Then, the next thing I knew, I felt two warm lips being placed on mine as he kissed me.

When I opened my eyes as he pulled away I could see his face again, the power was back on. Our eyes met and we didn't look away from each other, standing comfortably in the silence.

"I'm never going to get used to that feeling," I tell him.

"Is that good or bad?"

"It's good," I tell him with a smile. "It's the best thing that's happened to me since you went missing"

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