Chapter Nine - Meeting the Teammates

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"Let me introduce you to the Team"

I followed Nightwing into the Cave, the main meeting spot for the Team. As soon as we stepped in someone raced towards us, so fast I didn't see them until they were right in front of me.

"Mastera! Cool, I'm Impulse, Bart Allen," the red head introduced himself to me.

"Another red haired speedster?"

"He's from the future," Nightwing tells me. "The Flash's grandson"


"Anyway, almost everyone else should be in the training room"

We watched as multiple of the members sparred. Miss Martian was helping them train. Nightwing started on one side with Batgirl and Robin, not from the bat family.

As he moved on there was Beast Boy, also known as Garfield, who could shape shift into animals. Blue Beetle, Jaime, whose powers were a suit of armour that morphed around his body. Lagoon Boy, La'gaan, an Atlantian with magic. Finally, Wonder girl, Cassie, who had the same powers as Wonder Woman.

"There's also Mal, our mission controller, and Karen, also known as Bumblebee"

"What about the original members of the Team?" I ask.

"Superboy and Miss Martian are still on the team. Wally gave it up..."

"Good for him"

"Artemis... is dead"

My eyes widened at the news, but I didn't say anything because he continued.

"And Kaldur is working with his birth father, Black Manta"

"Oh my god"

"It's a lot to take in. I know"

It was quiet as I let the new information sink in. Then I sighed, shaking my head as I looked up at him.

"It's so weird being back here. It hasn't been that long, but you're all..."

"Grown up?" He asks with a chuckle.

"It's so much change in so little time"

"Hey, why don't we go get some food, I can fill you in on stuff you've missed"

"Alright, sure"

He changed into normal clothes and then we walked to a nearby café. We ordered our food, spoke a little as we waited, then dug in.

"What did you do in your training?" He asks.

"Well, I got new powers"

"What can you do?"

"On my planet it's normal for someone to get an animal or insect they can transform into when they reach a certain age"

"And you got?"

"Not an animal or insect," he raised an eyebrow and I continued. "There are a rare few that can turn into mystical beings. I got a spirit. Meaning I can go invisible, uh, go through walls, float, you know?"

There was a pause before he spoke again.

"I gotta ask. You and Roy, you were best friends. How's it been having the original Roy back?"

"I'm not sure. It's weird. He's almost the same person I used to know, but being on ice for so long, losing his arm, being cloned, it's taken it's toll on him"

"You care about him"

"I went on my first mission with him. I walked out on my chance to first join the Team, although that was the clone, it was still him in a way"

"Looks like you haven't changed, you still like him"

"I-I-what?" I spluttered.

"It wasn't hard to tell you liked Roy. You didn't exactly hide it"


He chuckles. "No"

My mouth dropped open. Then I glared at him. "Stop using your detective skills on me!"

"But, I'm not just talking about the original Roy, I never actually knew him. I only knew Red Arrow"

"But that was-that was the clone, not the original Roy"

"You're forgetting that he still had all of Roy's memories, feelings. He was still, in a way, Roy"

"Why do you have to be so logical?" I grumble.

He chuckled. "What I'm saying, is you should go talk to Roy. He needs someone that believes in him"

He placed some money on the counter and then we left, both going in different directions. I called Roy, asking where he was, then went to meet up with him.

"So, why'd you want to talk all of a sudden?" Roy asks as I sat down next to him.

"Well, first I wanted to explain the new powers I got"

"You got powers?"

"Yeah. On my planet, everyone can transform into one animal or insect. You choose during your training, unless one has already been chosen for you since birth, one that isn't a simple animal. That's rare, and I was someone that didn't get to choose"

"How many have been chosen?"

"A dozen. Each with a mystical sort of transformation. An elf, Phoenix, or werewolf for example"

"What did you get?"

"A spirit"

I then continued explaining my powers. I could fly, turn invisible, and love through solid objects. However, I could only move through objects when invisible, and to touch something I would have to turn visible again. At least until I got a better handle on my powers.

"That's about it," I tell him. "I just didn't want to surprise you one day when you see me flying or something. But I'll see you later-"

"Wait," he said, grabbing to hand to keep me from moving. "Did, uh, did anything happen between you and the clone?"

I blushed and looked away, reminded of my confession and that short kiss that happened, the kiss that felt completely wrong.

"Why do you think anything happened between us?"

"I just... I know how he thinks. So?"

"He kissed me, and I pushed him away because it didn't feel right. I also, sorta, told him that I liked him, but I don't feel that way anymore, he's changed. That's it"

He looked a little confused with my answer. I couldn't tell what he was thinking about though, so I waited and hoped he'd speak his mind.

"What about me? How do you feel about me? Not the clone. Me"

"Sometimes I feel like we're friends. Sometimes I feel like we're more than that. But, sometimes I just feel like a stranger to you"

"I don't want to be a stranger to you anymore"

I smiled. "I'll hold you to that, Roy"

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