Chapter Two - Gone Missing

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A month later Speedy had gone missing on a solo mission investigating a LexCorp shell company trading weapons with North Rhelasia.

I would've been on that mission too if it weren't for my homework, but David was glad I hadn't done my homework because if I had I probably would've been missing too.

"We've already checked into LexCorp, there's no evidence saying that he's there," Oliver explains.

"What about the group they were trading with?" I ask.

"They don't have anything to do with his disappearance, I'm sure of that"

"Then there's only one suspect. LexCorp. We have to do some more digging, they have him"

"I know, but, Rou..."

"Don't tell me it's hopeless"

"That's not what I was going to say. It's just... it's too soon for us to rush in head on. We need to look around some more, until we know for sure. We can't just run in on such a big company like that without any evidence"

"And then-"

"When we know, we go after him"

"How long until you think we can go after him?"

"LexCorp is pretty high security, so it'll take some time. I know you're worried, I am too, but you can't let it take away from your studies. David told me you haven't been doing your homework, instead you've been looking through the little information we've found"


"Go home, Rou. I can take it from here, you have things to do"


"Go," he said sternly.

I went silent and stared at him for a moment. When our staring contest started, I knew I wasn't going to win. I sighed and grabbed my jacket, heading towards the Zeta tube.

"Call me-"

"I'll text you anything new I find. Now go, David's worrying about you"

I nodded and left. When I stepped out I was in a dark alleyway, the sky now full of stars. I didn't think I had been gone that long, but clearly all the worry running through my head made the time pass more quickly than expected.

David looked up from his sewing machine as I walked into the house, he was currently fixing my hero outfit since on the last mission I had a couple run ins with some knives.

"You're finally back, I see," he said, his eyes going back to his work.

"I lost track of time"

The whirring of the sewing machine stopped and he stood up, picking up a small box that was sitting on the table. He held it out to me and I reluctantly took it.

"What's this?" I ask.

"A gift. Just because"

I unwrapped the box and then opened it, pulling out a night tech watch. I flipped it around in my hands, looking at all the details, then glanced back up at David.

"A watch"

"I had Oliver make it. It's connected to your trackers, so you can track bad guys from the watch, you can communicate with others, etcetera etcetera, and of course, it tells time"

I put it on my wrist and it lit up, a hologram clock floating above my wrist. I smiled and thanked David as I swiped through all the features.

"I custom made the design, Oliver did all the tech stuff"

"This is so cool"

"Go get some dinner, food's sitting in the microwave"

Weeks passed, soon it was months and there was still no sign of Roy or any new evidence of his disappearance. I decided to head back to the scene of the crime by myself, back to the abandoned warehouse by the docks where the deal took place.

I used my watch - which also served as a flashlight - to scan the area, not leaving a single spot untouched. I climbed up on some crates and found an arrow, one of Speedy's arrows. This must've been where he hid, watching from the shadows, waiting for the right moment to strike.

I held onto the arrow as I looked around. From up high I could see everything, and as I looked down at the concrete floor I caught sight of something I was surprised I hadn't noticed before.

There was an outline on the wall, probably from an explosion. It was in the shape of a body. As I got closer to it I noticed something laying on the ground at the base of it, something really small that you'd almost need to know it was there to find it.

I crouched down and picked it up. It was a small pin, part of it burnt up, but there was just enough left to read what had originally been on it.


"That's where they have Roy. It has to be"

"Where'd you find this again?" Oliver asks me.

"The last mission he was on, it was just laying on the ground. I think it's a name tag, but the name didn't survive the fight"

"Then this is our target. I found something else too, I know where he is"

He rushed out of the room, coming back a couple minutes later dressed up as Green Arrow, preparing his arrows.

"Am I going with you?" I ask.

"Call David, ask him. This is infiltration, it'll be a lot more dangerous than your normal missions"

I stepped out of the room, pulling out my phone to call David. After minutes of arguing with him, begging him to let me go, he finally said yes. But by the time I went back to where Green Arrow had been, he was already gone.

I growled and angrily called him. "What the heck?!"

"It's dangerous, more dangerous than you realize. I promise I'll bring him back"

"But you said-"

"I know what I said. But on second thought, we don't need to potentially lose you too. I'll call you if-when I find him and we're on the way back. Alright?" I remained quiet. "Alright?"

"Alright, fine," I sigh. "Good luck"

I found myself wandering all around the hideout as I waited for the call, my phone held tightly in my hands. I stopped in front of a bedroom, the one that belonged to Roy for whenever they came back from a mission and just needed a place to crash.

I pushed open the door, looking around the still room that sat the same way it was left. No one had touched it, no one had gone near it. But now, now it was finally going to be lived in again.

My phone buzzed in my hand and I rushed to answer it, nearly dropping the phone. "Hello?" I ask urgently.

"I've got him"

And then, almost as soon as he had vanished, he was back in my life again.

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